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Mar 22, 2024 13:29

State of the Nation

Joe Turdhole, puppet for the deposition, vote non-confidence in the next election!

First of all, gas has gone up again to $2.00/ltr and inflation continues to 50%

What a circus!

The Oil Industry Begins to Shovel Coal...

Trudeau’s going to eat his own emissions!

….ha,ha…Joe Conservative

Texas pulls $8.5 billion from BlackRock over DEI rules, left-wing climate agenda

So, fuck you Big Banking.


It's About Fucking Time...

Poilievre vows to introduce non-confidence motion if Trudeau doesn’t scrap carbon tax hike


Rental giant Hertz dumps EVs, including Teslas, for gas cars/ Hertz dumps CEO following electric car ‘horror show’ - CNN via


The so called "Green Deal" orchestrated by Al Gore, John Kerry and Prince Charles is a ponzi scheme to launder public tax money
that has been going on for decades.

You better believe it buster!

dr. π (pi)

carbon lifeforms, green party, canada

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