What happens to my memory as I age?

Feb 24, 2024 17:31

Something That's Been On My Mind Before I Forget...

I've spent 25 years studying the brain-I'm dumber than I've ever been

When I was 17 I felt like I was getting dumber the older I got, like my younger self would be more intelligent and capable than I am now. Has my memory and focus greatly worsened? Or have I just changed my focus?

When I was young I was preoccupied with girl watching, listening to and collecting music, partying, movies, eating, reading, mostly consumer sports. The rest of the time I worked to make ends meet. The weight of that has changed. I now work. I forget to live. I go to bed, and wash, rinse, repeat, to which I see no end. Every person is a stadium that represents a single cell in the brain, which passes along a ball & chain of information to the next cell. We are slaves to ourselves. There is no escape.

To break out of your unworldly penitentiary, I would advise the following:

1.Exercising everyday
2.Meditating everyday
3.Reading books everyday
4.Challenging your brain everyday (chess, go, backgammon or solving some math or physics problems, doing crossword puzzles)
5.Believing in yourself, generates a positive attitude, that can overcome mountains.

So my greatest cautionary would be: Avoid Freud

Addiction to sex, porn and masturbation can also cause brain fog.

Orgasm is actually good for your health, but when it becomes an addiction it can lead to problems.

Getting off, whether it's pleasure or addiction, getting falling down drunk, or getting your rocks off, releases a massive amount of dopamine in the brain. Getting the next like on social media, or seeing the next trending post, watching "the next" porn vid feeds the pleasure one feels due to the dopamine receptors in the brain and the dopamine itself. Watching a lot of porn leads to desensitization of the dopamine receptors which means it becomes harder and harder to feel pleasure so people’s taste in porn becomes worse and worse. So stuff gets entrenched, stuck, habitual, disconnected and out of touch with reality. Not to mention what it does to deteriorate real life relationships and social skills. Because, it's just not real. I know because I'm guilty of this distraction and deflection to avoid real issues. Nothing teaches you more than a real relationship with real people, family, friends and community. Everything virtual remains hypothetical, it never really resolves itself, just swims in our heads, clouding our thoughts, and confusing our minds. When you are required to problem solve and act through real experience, personal growth becomes evident in which we expand our horizons through real challenges, reward and failure, only to get up and try again.

Here are some factors which I think contribute to this decline in memory : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Duh

-I stopped reading and turned to video games which I think hurt my internal monologue and thought structure
-Horrible sleep schedule
-Lack of interest in school, general cynicism
-Depression medication-”brain fog” and “brain zaps”
-Lack of excercise
-Numbing my mind with incessant video games, drugs, sex, other dopamine releases.
-Poor diet
-Shitty work ethic, my lead academically has deteriorated because I slacked in the past, and as we get older, I find that the material is increasingly as new to me as it always has been to everyone else.
-Perspective changes. I was eager for my grade, and this advantage gradually dwindles as you get older (5 vs 6 is a huge leap, 17 vs 18 senior year doesn't matter so much)
-I have a lot of health symptoms which definitely affects speed of neural firing, but have never wanted to let anyone know. Look into this for sure. It leads to apathy and victim mentality.
-Bad attention span due to cell phones/social media/entertainment/television
-It seems like everything in our culture is geared towards complacency, mindless consumerism. We've forgotten what it is like to create and be creative.
-Turn off the TV, and engage. Media is a back and forth volley, don't just consume. Participate.
-Mindless consumption begets more mindless consumption.

.Loss and Attrition

Don't give up, and when in doubt, do it anyway. Your senses will tell you if it's good for you, or not.

Listen to your intuition. Follow your heart. Think before you act and speak.

And try to keep your thoughts and actions positive and productive.

It can make a world of difference.

dr. π (pi)

socio-political, memories of lennon, mindfuck, human levitation, old pops

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