Google is Evil

Feb 23, 2024 13:53

So here’s the thing. You can work with Google and comply with its algorithms, pay its exorbitant advertising
costs per click, bandwidth, build a website, create listings on service portals, “play the game”, so to speak.
Then they change the game and code their SEO to read content, instead of metatags or visa versa.
Or start throwing ads in your face that vaguely resemble your browsing history, but 1 letter.
Or emphasizes vertical smartphone formats over horizontal computer screen platforms.
Or can’t decided between, Microsoft, Apple, or Android, or other third party software,
such as that on social networks, messenger, X-twitface, FB or any number of variants.
Or they refocus the priority for streaming to other media formats, mp3/4, mov, avi, wmv, etc.
Suddenly what you had is now scrambled, and requires modifications if not a complete rebuild.

Google has made an art form of "Kafka-esque" user torture.

S.O.S.  …Fuck google…they SUCK our Souls !!! .[Spoiler (click to open)].Google is Evil

It is comforting to learn that Google Evil is an equal opportunity exploiter.
Google is where the internet’s best search becomes a feeding tube inserted in your nose in search of advertising revenue.
Google is now so disorganized they’ve jumped the cue (what, you thought the Alphabet soup was organization?) Sorry you’re caught in AI customer service hell.
Now it is “the automated runaround.”
Google has always been this way. It is not new. It has always rejected real world intrusions into its bubble.
Why focus on Google? Name one large IT company in the Silicon Valley that has half-decent customer service (hint: Amazon is not headquartered in CA). Amazon has decided to remove encryption from its devices at the same time it’s supporting Apple for encrypting, so go figure.
Verizon is similar (store fronts will allow you to buy a phone, but no face to face line or billing services, although they do have a dedicated phone line for calling customer service with no assistance whatsoever.) More likely, AT&T is deliberately frustrating and sabotaging their own land line customers to get them to abandon the service in favor of cell service.
So in all my years of playing “beat the computer” I have learned that for every move there is an unequal and opposite countermove.
For instance, MAC (Machine Access Code) address issue is device specific and will not allow logins from other devices. Only one per customer, I guess.
The MAC (which actually stands for medium/media access control) address doesn’t leave the network segment of the machine in question, so unless one is running software that reports it to a remote site via a higher level protocol, visiting (say) doesn’t tell google your MAC address. The MAC address is a very specific identifier (unlike an IP address) that ID’s a specific computer or cell phone (if it has WiFi capability; most smart phones). 
The same thing is happening over on YouTube, another Google ‘company’. Just go there and look up #wtfu. People getting their channels shut down, or losing monetization and their only recourse is ‘talking’ with an algorithm…
And then there’s spyware, like Amazon Alexa, you ANON hacker.
On the other hand, if you’re a three-letter agency with enough hypothetical hooks into ISP supplied modems and routers, well that opens up new possibilities. Spyware on your local device, just using a web browser to visit won’t do it. They have other methods to figure out who you are.
Google SEO - Word and boolean combo search strategies in the advance- subject/field line can be frustrating because google search engine descriptors are based on the general public’s popular user combinations. Google doesn’t choose the descriptor search combinations, rather they are actively determined by popular user combinations in accordance with google’s algorithm methodologies. Duckduckgo and ixQuick are better than Google but not great.
The best online search engines for most research are the academic institutions offering scholarly and professional premier databases such as EBSCOhost, JSTOR and many more (public libraries largely offer the public’s general subjects interests). Access to the online databases- journals, articles and newspapers are paid for by the libraries rather than you shelling out $$$ to read the full article. If you’re a student/teacher/alumnae/alumni of an academic institution (grade-school, high school, university) its usually free to access their online library databases from your device(s) or onsite. Sometimes a nominal yearly fee.
Install browser extensions that strip out all tracking cookies. It’s easy and free. All commercial websites such as the NY Times send along approximately 10 to 20 “uninvited guests” whenever you request a webpage.

Cancel all g-mails accounts. People think it’s free; it’s not free, you pay by giving up your privacy! Under Google’s terms of service they are allowed to read all e-mails which they do via algorithms that are designed to pick up information that will assist their ad serving businesses.

I don’t know why people think collegiate online library databases are scary or nerdy when the fact is, the scholarly/professional articles, content and information are peer reviewed and vetted for factual accuracy. Library database results verifiability vs Google user/ads ‘hits’ by popularity is a no-brainer. Tell Google to fuck off.
Also, if you are on WordPress or Livejournal, by definition you are not on Google. Google’s blogging service is Blogger.

The only real final answer to Google is the Stalin Answer, “Mek problem disappear." - If Google is giving you problems, kill Google and it will stop giving you problems. No Google, no more problem.

Be happy to pay for content when the content provider agrees to protect you privacy

The word “Kafkaesque” really isn’t strong enough to convey the sense of alienation, and horror, experienced by a person who experiences hours of completely automated, non-human abuse.

Yes, can I give you some advice… GET GOOGLE OUT OF YOUR LIFE!

I wish I knew more about code

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Google art - Copyright Fuck off Google 2023. All rights reserved.

The Axis of Google has other priorities…. Search for “X” and “Google DeepMind”…
Meet the DS, (deep shit, er, I mean deep state)
Forcefully spending more on science and technology to maintain the U.S. military's competitive edge over Russia and China
as they exploit their militaries.

It used to be so simple. Just walk out to your car, take the tire wrench out of your trunk, and use it to smash the television set. Now that we have hand sized computers a more sporting approach is in order. Vaporizing your smart phone in mid-flight with a 12 gauge shotgun can be the most satisfying experience of your day--. Heinlein’s Razor: “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by out-of-touch management.”

.Google is Evil

Google Is Evil Fuck The Hell Off - poem

F*ck Google, Fcku Gootube, Fuck the Internet, Fock the World Wide Web
*Fokken ze Industrial Military Medical Media Banking Complex
F*ck Communist China CCP and TikTok 5G Wuhan Virus
F*ck the Ukraine bioweapon labs and human trafficking
Ban fake news CNN (communist news network)
Don't watch on YT, tell Gootube to go to hell..
Fuck Israel Hamas and the Middle East
Joker's Jukebox, Fuck That Noise !!
A night at the Opera, Use Duck-duck-go!
Use VPN and Ad Blocker, or go home
All the old blogs are missing
Nothing works anymore
Fuck ads on YT ~psp

Reorganize, decentralize !!


dr. π (pi)

google is evil, poem, internet censorship, techyum, #wtfu, fuck google

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