Under The Rockets Glow : Tales of Resilience and Hope by Roman Sandler

Feb 23, 2024 11:51

"Under The Rockets' Glow : Tales of Resilience and Hope," by Roman Sandler


A young girl named Shira learns about her Jewish heritage through her father's inspiring stories,

Let’s apply Occam’s Razor : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Under The Rockets' (Red) Glow

Red being the colour of blood..

Finding courage amidst a night of rocket fire, this beautifully illustrated book intertwines tales of bravery from Jewish history from Abraham to modern-day Israel with a child's experience of finding hope in the midst of fear.

This narrative is Sandler's heartfelt attempt to instill a sense of perspective and pride in young readers. It's more than a history lesson; it's a story of perseverance and enduring hope. My hope is that this book sparks a light of understanding and pride in our kids about our rich, twisty history.

Author Roman Sandler lives in LA. There are no bombs. This is next level grifting and genocide support. It's appalling.

"Hey Mayim, let me tell you about how I understood what was going on as a child. No one explained it to me. No one read stories to me."

1. I was tear-gassed at school when I was 6 years old(the whole school).
2. My first classmate was killed when I was 8.
3. My neighbor was assassinated when I was 9. (I cried that day.)
4. Around 20 soldiers stormed our neighborhood and wanted to arrest me and my little brother for interrogation (I was 7 and my brother was 4).
5. They stormed our home more than 8 times (I can recount them to you as if they happened this morning).
6. They arrested my father and made me put my hands on a wall when I was 7. (It was at the Shejaia entrance, and I still remember my white sneakers.)
7. They shot at us while we were playing on December 22, 1992 (I was turning 8. I remember because it was my birthday).
8. They arrested my oldest brother when I was 5 years old.
9. I was forced to shower in cold water or very hot water because Israelis used a mechanical stone-thrower that broke all windows and solar panels (which we used to warm water) - that's why I hated showering for some time.
10. They woke us up in the middle of the night a few times. Once, I opened my eyes at the age of 6 to feel a soldier's boots near my head and his gun in my face (I was sleeping on the floor).

*No one explained to him, RS, Netanyahu the bastard of Zion.

So, fuck y’all

Poem for the Dead..

THE GAZA LIFE by Antifa(melody borrowed from Mack the Knife)
by Bertolt Brecht as performed by RJ Jacinto

There are people underneath here
None of them shall come to light
Bloody bones and broken teeth, dear
Which we’ll try to reunite

Let the tears flow from your grief, dear
Plastic bags to wrap the dead
As you stand in disbelief here
Weep and pray with arms outspread

When the bombs come without warning
Shrapnel slices up your life
What if all the world is mourning?
You’ve gone to the afterlife

What I see here makes me shiver
There are screams from underground
Will I still be a forgiver
As my soul gets whittled down?

Netanyahu is our jailer
He’s turned Gaza into ash
He lets in one tractor trailer
And that food’s gone in a flash

Where’s the UN? Where’s the high court?
Who will stop Israeli tanks?
The whole world is falling way short
While stuffing profits into banks

Death will be but sweet , dear
This is Gaza this is hell
When you lay a floral wreath here
May it cover up this smell

Let’s apply Occam’s Razor :

1. A sinister cabal of devious characters have “for many years” co-operated to maintain and run a consistent, incremental, expensive and carefully planned campaign to…. what end exactly, and why?

2. A parade of incompetent, shallow-thinking characters equating their bank-accounts to daddy’s influence with their intelligence and value in society have bought their way to a brief hold on the reins of power because they think they’re entitled to them, have absolutely no idea what to do with them when they have them, have driven the coach-and-four into the ditch as a result and then buggered off to let someone else clear up the mess.

coach-and-four : a coach together with the four horses of the apocalypse

.Poem for the Dead..

dr. π (pi)

poetry, books, war & peace

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