Broken Things

Feb 14, 2024 11:18

I just need to get it out of my system, for those of you who love to hear about stupid suffering…

.Running on a wing and a prayer

Yes I've been dealing again with used vehicle repairs all day yesterday, which in itself isn't bad,
But the repair shops are up in North Surrey, which is hell on earth dystopia inc. lots of homelessness and vacancies,
It's so depressing watching all those homeless wanderers on the streets, sucking on their vape or smoking..
How in hell can they afford cigarettes?
So, on with the show..
We are in-between used vehicles, trying to get one of them reliable again
Trouble is we can't afford a new one, on disability and fixed income,
So we are trying our best to work within our means,
But they're so old, 20+years that they don't have dealer parts anymore
One has to get creative and go to the auto wreckers if they even have a model that old,
Minor aches and pains, you would think, but no... you can't fix what you can't find parts for
Or purchase after market parts off the internet if you can even find them. This time it's door handles.
Everything works, except the bloody door handles on our old van. Go figure. Not the first time we've dealt with that.
We own them outright, and normally they are a low maintenance proposition, no loans, interest, nor large maintenance
Just shows you how long one can keep a vehicle running.. like people as we age,
getting old sucks for both people and vehicles
So, the repair shop is an hour away in rush hour by vehicle, by bus it's 2 1/2 hrs one way. So, I just wait in the area until it's fixed,
It was in the shop yesterday from 9am to 3pm. Even with the bus I could have gone home and back, 5 hour trip,
Only to come back to pick it up same day, lot of traveling, so I wait..
GF drove the second used vehicle to keep me company and have transportation there in no man's land while we waited.
We found a nice breakfast a distance away, and then sat in the van waiting for the work to be finished,
So, at least I wasn't stranded in the industrial area in the middle of nowhere for the whole day and I had company
The mechanic showed me the state of the driver side passenger door assembly when he had the cover off, and what a piece of work
Two of the linkages were broken off and plastic mounts warped or twisted off, with no dealer parts available
So aside from putting a new handle on it for cosmetic purposes to sell it, it's the same as when we bought it. Fooked !
It was this way inside the door when we bought it, I just never knew the complexity of widgets involved.
The real digger is that after $400 to fix the other handles, so we can sell the old used vehicle,
The "new used" vehicle suddenly shows a problem with the reverse transmission..
Yeeesh !!
We have a 90 day warrantee that should help cover this, that's if we can even get the parts again..
I'm taking it today to the used dealer to repair the problem which should be under warrantee
Another trip to hinterland, on my limited patience.. godspeed and good guidance and protection
Or maybe we'll need to negotiate another used vehicle instead, if they can't repair it.
Trannies are the last to go on Toyotas in my humble experience, I've had Toyotas for the past 20 years.
We like the visibility, power train, design and multi-door access with 7 total seat capacity. Great utility vehicle.
If you can get one... they'll go for 300-500,000km if you maintain them!! Not bad, eh?
I've been dealing with minor worn parts for 3-6 months now on the old and new used vehicles, handles, brake shoes, tires, etc.
It's been a money pit, but cheaper than buying a new vehicle.
The options for us aren't feasible, getting a loan we can't afford, on a used $10,000+ vehicle,
More like $15-20,000 by the time you add fees and taxes to the sale
Also my face pain acted up all day probably from the stress
We finally got home about 5pm, GF was a grump
Running on a wing and a prayer
I was totally exhausted

Gone to fix me auld, this valentine's day..

dr. π (pi)

carbon lifeforms, car parts, auto motives, health issues

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