Canada Health System is Broke

Jan 27, 2024 18:38

Waiting to die? Welcome to Canada !! Waiting Time Up to 8 Hours or Next Shift Change, Whichever Comes First...

Via :

Dr. Raghu Venugopal, an emergency physician in Toronto, says a febrile baby should have been seen by a physician within 15 to 30 minutes of arrival in an emergency room. This newborn waited 5 hours for a doctor. Experts say Ontario's ER wait times have never been worse. Venugopal says the province needs to robustly increase hospital capacity and better incentivize work, "We have to make the work environment and health care more enticing and palatable for people who go to battle everyday," said Venugopal.

"If people exercise judgment and they can stay healthy, that reduces overall volumes." ?

Are you kidding me? Why have hospitals in the first place?

Stop injecting unwitting Canadians with killshots

Yet, no one is discussing thousands of medical workers who were fired for refusing to accept the experimental mRNA death shots.

And no one is talking about the death camps during Covid, which were murdering patients, misdiagnosis with false positive PCR “symptoms”, mistreatment of common colds and pneumonia using Pharma prescribed poison remdisivir causing kidney failure incentivized by big Pharma to label illness and death as “covid” to escalate numbers of so called “cases”, and administering ventilators causing lung fluid buildup effectively suffocating and killing anyone unfortunate to fall into that hell, disinformation media fear propaganda in step with illegal masking and lockdown mandates restricting movement and disrupting work and income, rising fuel costs because of government carbon tax, fostering consumer inflation, skyrocketing real estate prices, cost of interest increases, thereby collapsing the Canadian economy. And you wonder why I’m pissed at the mentality of this?

And no one is talking about hundreds of millions paid to Big Pharma for mRNA experimental gene therapy spike protein depopulation genocide death shots, masked as so called "vaccines"

No autopsies have been reported on deaths since the April 2021 so called "vaccine rollout" of the mRNA bioweapon, with or without "covid", vaccine injuries causing convenient delayed skin lesions, stroke, heart failure, respiratory infection, turbocancer, miscarriages, etc.

"Died suddenly" from "unknown causes" is the claim from the death camp hospitals.

And that the health system is "broke" having given our tax equity paid into big pharma for this globalist theft and genocide agenda by the industrial military complex, shielded by WHO and UN and NATO and the World Central Banksters.

What about all of that reTardeau & Co, here is the lame excuse for reporting from government sponsored legacy media,
CBC you piece of shit.

And if you can't stand the health, get out of the hospital, youth can always take fentanyl or you can euthanasia via MAID

It's the law !! via

Where are our doctors, "Do no harm"?

F*ck Canada!

dr. π (pi)

health issues, baby universe, kill bill, canada, death cab for cutie

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