Sufjan Stevens - Shit Talk (2023) & a shitty poem

Jan 26, 2024 19:37

Shit Speak (poem)

Shit’s getting hot and heavy,
Shit’s going sideways
Shit’s getting real,
Shit piles up
Shit the fuck up!
Fuck shit up,
So, who gives a shit?
Up to your eyes in shit
Shit stinks to high heaven!
And maybe you don't give a shit
So more power to ya!

Who’s shit is it anyway?
You’re shit, my shit?
His shit, her shit?
Who’s shit?
Not me!

Butt WTF
Butt speak, is a language
Of human excrement,
Who aren’t able to tell
Their ass from a hole in the ground,
Not the whole ass,
But the asshole, that
Tiny sphincter the size of a dime
From the silent whisper
Burp, fart, rattle, explosion
Rabbit raisins, proper turds,
Long shit snakes and heavy loads
To the projectile diarreaha
Of illicit sex objects
OMG, shit’s big
No shit!

This day will go down in infamy
The day the shit hit the fan ~psp

Sufjan Stevens - Shit Talk (2023)

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Lyrics : ..Shit Talk
No more fighting
No more talking shit
Do as I say not as I give up
Not as I’ve failed to live
In the future there will be
A terrible cost
For all that we’ve left undone
Deliver me from everything
I’ve put off
And all that we’ve lost
I will always love you
But I cannot live with you

No more fighting
I’ve nothing left to give
I’ve nothing but atrophy
Did I cross you?
Did I fail to believe
In positive thoughts?
Our romantic second chance is dead
I buried it with the hatchet
Quit your antics
Put them at the foot of the bed
And set it on fire
I will always love you
But I cannot look at you

Hold me closely
Hold me tightly lest I fall....
Hold me closely
Hold me tightly lest I fall....
No, I don’t wanna fight at all

.Shit stinks!

dr. π (pi)



socio politics, poem, folk song

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