Driving Miss Crazy

Jan 23, 2024 17:52

It has been a long dreary day...

Yet I managed to get through the complexity of it ok.

Where we went : ..and what we did

Today began with a flat tire in the drive way, as we were heading out to look at a newer used vehicle for GF to maybe replace the older one we’ve been fixing. After an hour to change clothes and replace the tire using missing tools, I finally got us on the road in the rain an hour late. The vapor canopy was medium for visibility with speeding maniacs cutting us off down the highway. Following the GPS down winding streets we finally got there did our business and packed up our anxiety to head back home. GF stopped to get natural food supplements at another long time business in the same area, all of which is an hour from our place. Then I checked in with a car door repair to see their availability later this week, since I need to co-ordinate that with GF needing the vehicle. Although it only takes 2 hours to do the work, the place is way out in the boonies at these same outskirts, so I thought I’d just speak with them directly to get a handle on it, so to speak.

On the way home GF wanted to treat me to bkfst for my tire trouble, which was up in the boonies where homeless drug addicts and wheeling dealing auto wreckers make their living. The order taker was East Indian migrant and barely understood English, in training by the 80 year old Dutchman who ran the joint for the past 50 years. It’s a changing landscape every step of the way. He stood against the mandates to remain open to feed people when Covid emerged as a manufactured threat of basic fear propaganda. I emailed him then and was able to thank him in person today! The frying dutchman, cooking scrambled eggs ! When I inquired if he was the owner, he said, “No. The bank owns it, I just work here.“ ))

OK, so on the way home, I stopped to have the tire repaired, it took 30 minutes and $50 and we are back to normal, whatever that is. GF was on her device all the way there and back wheeling and dealing with garden suppliers, hair clients, and whatever else she does on that little black box. I had the cellphone stolen last month, am completely dysfunctional, and flying by the seat of my pants, but I tell you, I don’t miss it one bit.

Finally a few hours later, we’re back at home, sweet home, and trying to decompress from another stressful day of nothing accomplished, nothing gained. That’s the way it is these days. Robbing Peter to pay Paul, while juggling alligators in an Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark, snake pit.

The fallout from businesses and construction out there, homeless wanderers, constant traffic, with roads full of potholes and construction redirects, has no reason or rhyme to it, or maybe it has some divine order, which is invisible to me.

While I was switching out the flat tire in the driveway this morning before leaving, two young raccoons were fighting over bird seed in the yard next to me. GF came to speak to them kindly to stop bothering me, as I was too busy to deal with their presence. Last week, before the snowstorm, a flock of a dozen robins were gathered around a berry bush in the yard on which we put Christmas lights, not knowing if they were attracted to the lights or the berries? They scurried there for some time before moving on down the block looking for feed I guess. This prompted GF to put out seed for them after the fact, which just seems to have attracted the raccoons, as the robins are now long gone.

So, like some stray animal, I’m trying to get comfortable with myself, now that I’m home, recounting the whirlwind of a day.

Enjoy the vapour canopy !! ...Thank God the snow is gone!

*Behind those towers lies a rundown slum of decay, reconstruction with homeless wanderers and struggling businesses

dr. π (pi)

homeless santa, driving miss crazy, weather channel

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