Ukrainian Christmas Eve (Birth of Christ) & Epiphany (Baptism of Christ)

Jan 06, 2024 23:00

I had an epiphany! Today, which I knew all my youth as "Ukrainian Christmas", is the "Epiphany", when Jesus became baptized..

In Ukraine, the Christmas holiday became the official celebration with the baptism of Rus' ordered by Prince Vladimir in the year 988.

The Baptism of Rus' (Klavdiy Lebedev c. 1900) ...definitive Christianization of Kievan Rus' c. 988 in the Orthodox Faith

When I was a kid, we celebrated both Christmas and New Year holidays from Dec 26 to Jan 14, as one of my parents was Greek Orthodox, while the other was Greek Catholic. We referred to the two Christmas celebrations as our first and second Christmases.

A Modern Day Epiphany on the Feast of Jesus : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Breaking from tradition

In 2023, for the first time since 1917, Christmas Day in Ukraine was officially held on December 25 against its tradition of Jan 7.

The modern holiday season ends on January 6, when Jesus Christ was baptized, called Epihpany. On that day, people throughout the country will go swimming or take baths. Today we partake in something in Canada on Jan 1 New Year's Day called the "Polar Bear Swim".

Koliada or koleda (Cyrillic: коляда, коледа, колада, коледе) is the traditional Slavic name for the period from Christmas to Epiphany or, more generally, for Slavic Christmas-related rituals, some dating to pre-Christian times, celebrated at the end of December to honor the sun during the Northern-hemisphere winter solstice with singers who visit houses to sing carols.

For the first time since 1917, Christmas Day in Ukraine was officially on December 25, 2023.

As of 2017, 25 December, Christmas Day by the Gregorian calendar, became an official government holiday in Ukraine.

In 1991, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Christmas was reinstated alongside other religious holidays.

St. Nicholas at Christmas fair, Lviv and Christmas market

Things You Must Know About Ukrainian Christmas · Ukraine celebrates Christmas on Jan 6, Christmas Eve, known as Svyat Vechir or Sviata Vecheria ("Holy Supper”) by the old Julian calendar.

Christmas Eve on December 24 is called Sviatyi Vechir (Святий вечір) or Sviatvechir (Святвечір) in Ukraine ("Holy Evening"), and has many customs and rituals, most of which predate the introduction of Christianity to Ukraine.

Ortho Christian all night vigil for the birth of Christ via

St. Basil Divine Liturgy is held in parishes on the afternoon of Dec 24 to mark the formal close of the Christmas Fast within the OCU and UGCC that began in November, which includes commemorations of the Holodomor of the 1930s, the liturgy follows a Christmas version of the Royal Hours.

The family comes together to have a dinner which usually includes 12 meatless dishes (the number can vary from 7-17) on Sviatyi Vechir; white (Latin Church Catholics and Protestants may choose also to follow tradition on said day) - it is one of a few paramony days in the Eastern Rite calendar wherein mandatory fasting and abstinence is observed; only when the first star is seen in the evening sky, or just after the faithful have received Communion in the afternoon service, may the supper begin.

After Holy Supper, the All-Night Christmas Vigil then follows, families then troop to their local parish churches or Protestant churches to attend as thanksgiving for the Savior's birth in a stable.

Christmas in Kiev. All-night vigil, or political protest.

Although the Orthodox Council of Churches all voted against changing Christmas Eve celebration to Dec 25, the move is said to be "temporary" due to political reasons. To make such a change would also require changing the old Julian calendar to the Roman Gregorian calendar used in most of western culture and reset all the religious holidays in practice since its inception. The deception here is that the State in Kiev under Zelensky Introduced the Proposed Draft Law to Change Holiday Dates to gain points with EU. This is a corporate political move of the lawless nazi corporation of so called Ukraine calling religion "black". The religion itself is based on the truth of the old Julian calendar, which is not dictated by Rome and the Vatican. The war we are fighting here is spiritual. Choose your side, die with Satan, or walk in God. Test of faith? Or test of State?

Today we remain as screwed up as our parents before us, having to deal with this conflict of faith.

.Christmas Day in Ukraine was "officially" changed to December 25 against its tradition, For the first time since 1917.

dr. π (pi)

socio-politics, holy order of nuns, jesus, greek orthodoxy, christmas, christ complex

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