Here is the Bullshit Perpetrated on We the People

Jan 05, 2024 18:06

Get the Latest WHO Fear Porn and Misinformation on Covid-19

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Bad Advice.

3 Years to "Fatten the Curve" : .[Spoiler (click to open)].Lies My Government Has Told Me


Advice for policy-makers
Advice for the public
Advice for health workers and administrators
Question and Answers
Travel Advice
Infodemic management
Science in 5
Fact sheet
Technical guidance
All technical guidance on COVID-19
Vaccines, treatment & tests
COVID-19 Vaccines
Vaccine equity
COVID-19 vaccine delivery partnership
COVID-19 Vaccines Advice
ACT Accelerator & COVAX
Clinical management
The mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub
Situation Reports
Disease outbreak news
Timeline of WHO's Response to COVID-19
Strategy and planning
COVID-19 Supply Chain System
WHO dashboard of COVID-19 related recommendations
Global research on coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
R&D Blueprint and COVID-19
The Unity Studies: WHO Sero-epidemiological Investigations Protocols
About Coronavirus disease (COVID-19
Origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus
SARS-CoV-2 variants
Global Clinical Platform for COVID-19: call for action

*Fokken ze Industrial Military Medical Media Banking Complex
F*ck Communist China CCP and TikTok 5G Wuhan Virus
F*ck the Ukraine bioweapon labs and human trafficking
Ban fake news CNN (communist news network)
Boycott YT, tell Gootube to go to hell..
Fuck Israel Hamas and the Middle East
You Believe That Shit, Good for you.

.Fuck Globalism

Sponsored by YT

dr. π (pi)


world war, socio politics, health issues, nwo, disaster capitalism, conspiracy theory

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