Google Search Engine

Jan 04, 2024 18:56

Google SEO is a piece of shit

Out of billions of possible search results, I get 100.

Out of only 100 search results, I get numerous pics repeated multiple times on subsequent pages.

And little of what I actually request.

F*ck Google, Fcku Gootube, Fuck the Internet, Fock the World Wide Web
*Fokken ze Industrial Military Medical Media Banking Complex
F*ck Communist China CCP and TikTok 5G Wuhan Virus
F*ck the Ukraine bioweapon labs and human trafficking
Ban fake news CNN (communist news network)
Don't watch on YT, tell Gootube to go to hell..
Fuck Israel Hamas and the Middle East
Joker's Jukebox, Fuck That Noise !!
A night at the Opera, Use Duck-duck-go!
Use VPN and Ad Blocker, or go home
All the old blogs are missing
Nothing works anymore

I'm trying Yandex.

Fuck Google.

google is evil, internet censorship, techyum, world wide web, fuck google

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