Klaus Schwab presents: VaxxMas Hits '23 🎄🎄🎄

Dec 22, 2023 13:13

Grit your teeth through the intro - to a very touching ending...

All they want for Christmas is your money and property. Consider yourself collateral damage.

Let’s rock in the New Year too, brothers in arms! Free Assange! Free humanity!

image Click to view

The Great Reset Initiative disguised as a plandemic, is an economic bankruptcy plan drawn up by the criminal World
Economic Forum in response to the so called COVID-19 pandemic. The project was launched in June 2020, with a video
featuring the then-Prince of Wales Charles under the green false flag environmental psy-op of so called climate change.

However, anyone paying attention, and not listening to fake news and propaganda media lies, knows this is planned
global genocide to reduce the population of out planet from the estimated 8 billion, to only 1.5 million. And who knows
if those figures are even true. More people died from "unknown sudden deaths" than all related natural causes combined.

It's all a hoax people! And you have been made fools, that is if you or your loved ones are still alive to talk about it.
So go get your last booster shot and join the newly dead with sudden death from myocarditis, turbo cancer and all
exacerbated comorbidities, including mind control, suicide, blind trust, criminal negligence, and ignorant stupidity.
It took 3 years to kill you, and you willingly took the poison shot, that's why they're 'not guilty', but you're dead.

This message has been brought to you by the Pfizer cancer society. And the mRNA poison bio-weapon killshot.
How's that working for you?

Very VaxxMas !!

dr. π (pi)



nwo, conspiracy theory, satan claus, crime story

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