That old sickle moon and mistletoe two white bulls and crescent horns, Venus evening star
I am expecting a moslem terror attack from the east, the harvest that mows like a swath
Sects of Islam who are divided over the time of the sighting of the new moon, depending where you live
Celtic Druids gathering mistletoe with a sickle blade - By Ernest Lavisse
Mistletoe is rare and when found it is gathered with great ceremony, and particularly on the sixth day of the moon....
Hailing the moon in a native word that means 'healing all things,' they prepare a ritual sacrifice and banquet
beneath a tree and bring up two white bulls, whose horns are bound for the first time on this occasion.
A priest arrayed in white vestments climbs the tree and, with a golden sickle, cuts down the mistletoe,
which is caught in a white cloak. Then finally they kill the victims, praying to a god to render his gift
propitious to those on whom he has bestowed it. They believe that mistletoe given in drink will impart
fertility to any animal that is barren and that it is an antidote to all poisons. dr. π (pi)