The Raft of the Medusa

Nov 18, 2023 20:49

In my travels on the internets, I came across this interesting project known as Zbrush

The software can convert from a painting, a 3D equivalent of the scene depicted in 2D. For instance this painting :

Original oil painting by Théodore Géricault, The raft of the Medusa, 1819, Paris, Louvre

In June 1816, the French frigate Méduse, captained by Hugues Duroy de Chaumareys, departed from Rochefort, bound for the Senegalese port of Saint-Louis. She headed a convoy of three other ships: the storeship Loire, the brig Argus and the corvette Écho, drifted 169 miles off course, and ran aground 2 July on a sandbank off the West African coast, near today's Mauritania..

Zbrush : .[Spoiler (click to open)]..3D Modeling Software

Zbrush models out the 2D scene in 3D from the image of the painting and adds depth of 3rd dimension to the subject

Théodore Géricault, The raft of the Medusa, 1819, Zbrush match painting subject

Although the Méduse was carrying 400 people, including 160 crew, there was space for only about 250 in the boats. The remainder of the ship's complement and half of a contingent of marine infantrymen intended to garrison Senegal[13]-at least 146 men and one woman-were piled onto a hastily built raft, that partially submerged once it was loaded.

Théodore Géricault, The raft of the Medusa, 1819, reverse angle in Zbrush develops forms from other angles

.Raft rough draft

The Raft of the Medusa portrays the moment when, after 13 days adrift on the raft, the remaining 15 survivors view a ship approaching from a distance.

Théodore Géricault, The raft of the Medusa, 1819, Zbrush detail via

dr. π (pi)

africa, sculpture, ai art, paris, art, mythology

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