Klingon Artist Cleon Peterson is a paradox of good and evil. His art all depicts darkness destroying the light
Under the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars," a solo exhibition of Cleon Peterson Feb-Mar 2023 Japan
In most instances of Western, multi-figure history painting, a story is being told from a very particular point of view.
Consider Jacques Louis David’s The Intervention of the Sabine Women (1799), or Francisco Goya’s The Third of
May (1808), or even Pablo Picasso’s Guernica (1937); in each example, there feature clearly defined victims and
aggressors, heroes (or heroines) and villains.
It's Hard To Know The Devil When His Hand Is On Your Shoulder Cleon Peterson
We've entered a new age of global crisis. Modern dread, hopelessness, and
existential anxiety have become common and relegated to the subconscious.
The individual walks the streets feeling a sense of alienation and that
society, coopted by media technology, politics, and an undercurrent of
hate and confusion, is unraveling.
via dr. π (pi)