Is Facebook Evil?

Oct 27, 2023 15:44

Facebook Whistleblower Frances Haugen : questions our veracity

"Good people who are embedded in systems with bad incentives are led to bad actions.
There is a real patter of people who are willing to look the other way are promoted more than people who raise alarms."

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A Facebook insider called foul on the company's use of neuroscience to manipulate emotions and even our addictions. via

LMFAO !! : .[Spoiler (click to open)]CIA Joins Fakebook 2014 claims good intentions

Is Dr Facebook evil?

"I'm not stealing your soul, you gave it to me !!" - Dr Zuch

Facebook is Truly A Dream Come True For The CIA via

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Maybe Fakebook should be called Fuckbook, since it fucks you over while you are unaware

.Fakebook is watching you.

CIA funded Facebook and Google.

dr. π (pi)

cia murdered john lennon, internet censorship, facebook, fuck google

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