Dec 20, 2014 14:18


One of the key members of the Luciferian Royal Order of Seraphim- winged serpents, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Whereas, you understand why Samsung could be commanded as an ILLUMINATI puppet to partner with and fund Jay Z in a secret satanic agenda to deceive and control the masses.

The ILLUMINATI setup Jay Z, De Richmond and Tata Engo to indoctrinate and deceive the so-called Hip Hop Generation in believing that medieval models of Lucifer and Evil are connected exclusive with the “Ethiopian”, the “Black Knight“ or “The Black Man.“ Their references for this idiotic proposition is De Richmond’s book, “ Kimbiza Santo Cristo: Return Of The Holy Grail, Knights Templar, And Grand Dragon ” that contend that as a descendant of the House of Plantagenet- he has the “right information.” In the movie " Constantine " Djimon Hounsou plays a former witchdoctor Papa Midnite, a black man holding back the portals of Hell from a nightclub he opened to serve as neutral meeting ground for both sides of the war between Heaven and Hell.. The right information according to Satanic Jay, De Richmond and Engo is that the ruling English monarchs and King John I were under the secret spell, influence and duress of Satanic Ethiopian West African Dynasties when the blameless Barons-Baphometic Knights Templar had to protect, assert and free their rights from the Luciferians through the Magna  Carta.

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UH! "Holy Grail" by JAY Z featuring Justin Timberlake

In Satanic Jay Zs video presentation of “Magna Carta, Holy Grail,” Justin Timberlake represents “Justice” and a poor soul tortured and held spellbound by the universal Black N***er Devil- Jay Z; and the coming of the savior of the world out of the Holy Grail- the underground stream of the Druids, Knights Templar, and the Plantagenet/Merovingian ILLUMINATI bloodlines through a new Magna Carta.

Satanic Jay tells the world what he is made out to be, The N***er- West African Dynasty black man- manifestations of Lucifer on Earth that have failed to Ascend, at the beginning of the video that is plaguing the rise of freedom, justice; and the messiah among the blameless and defenseless Anglo Saxons.

Satanic Jay’s seemingly blameless and helpless cohort , Justin Randall Timberland, out of Nashville, TN is remarkably coy and elusive about his extensively detailed prepared genealogical chart. It seems as though all of the ILLUMINATI entertainers draw up detailed “Bloodline Charts” to determine their ancient “Fama Fraternitis” hierarchical order and rank. He openly admits to being English and Scottish. He is linked with Barack Obama’s ancient white Irish-Scottish bloodlines and the grandson of John Denham Timberlake. Denham is another name for Dereham-Elias de Dereham, England (Salisbury Cathedral).

Justin Timberlake’s innocent and boyish features are designed as an  ILLUSION and Image to Confuse, Deceive and Dumb Down the reality of Satanic Wickedness and Evil from Remote Times and Great Antiquity.

Recall that Justin Timberlake was responsible for the worldwide condemnation and demonization of Black Women in a Satanic Babylonian ritual on February 1, 2004 that deliberately disrobed and exposed  Janet Jackson during the Super Bowl halftime performance. At this point, we should be very clear about how Justin Randall Timberland really stack up in the ancient Satanic/ILLUMINATI “Fama Fraternitis” hierarchy. Satanic Jay’s “Magna Carta, Holy Grail” is a very sophisticated and wicked ILLUMINATI mass population disinformation and mind control operation to deliberately dumb the public down, demonize,  falsely revise and re-image the historical significance of Black People from antiquity- and particularly distance the Ethiopian contribution from the splendours of Kemet and its Osiris-Isis-Horus Mystery Schools.

Why does Disney (World, Land and Walt himself) continuously rear their cartoon heads with regards to various conspiracy theories? Disney is found to be tied in to research pertaining to Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the occult, satanism, luciferianism, MK Ultra, Monarch trauma based programming, etc.

Firstly, ask yourself why Disney movies, even and especially those cute little cartoons made for kids, are saturated with the occult. Why is it that so very many ex-Mickey Mouse Club / Mouseketeers have become celebrity actors and musicians whose works also revolve around the occult and/or immorality in general (think Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Justine Timberlake as mere examples).

Her Majesty wasn’t at the 2012 Summer Olympics to compete with Africans and People of Color as the Nazi Fuhrer and the Third Reich had done. She allowed the People of CALIBAN to feel the air, hear the sounds of life and by nature run free in the wild. Her Majesty and Secret Service were there not to celebrate the Games of the XXX Olympiad but to impose dominance, and the order of things by the Spiritual Hierarchy of Earth of the Great White Lodge. They flew in and then symbolically parachuted from a helicopter into the stadium like an invading army led by its divine Grand Master Queen to set things in order.

At the very initiation of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games, Her Majesty and James Bond- her Secret Service (Queen’s private army) like Hitler and the National Socialists- took over the summer games or Putin at Sochi before invading Ukraine.

In other words, eliminate the Black Bloodlines of Osiris-Isis-Horus, open the door for the Coming of New Arcadia, the New False Anglo Saxon Messiah- the Anti-Christ of Revelation, Queen Elizabeth II’s Grandson, PRINCE WILLIAM. link

No Church In The Wild Jay Z Kanye West

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Jay-Z & Kanye West - Niggas In Paris (Explicit & Epileptic)

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“Take up the White Man’s burden-
Send forth the best ye breed-
Go send your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild-
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child
Take up the White Man’s burden…”
Source: Rudyard Kipling, “The White Man’s Burden: The United States & The Philippine Islands, 1899.” Rudyard Kipling’s Verse: Definitive Edition (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1929)


dead artist, music of paris

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