Movie : "Left Behind: Rise of the Antichrist" (2023) short takes

Jul 26, 2023 01:39

In 2025, God Takes 92 000 000 People To Heaven While Antichrist Becomes Head Of UN

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[Spoiler (click to open)]The Rapture

When the year 2025 comes, God raises 90,000,000 people into heaven, while chaos reigns in the world, a new charismatic UN leader begins to gain popularity. But who is he - the new Jesus or the Antichrist? Israel is signatory to a peace treaty in the middle east, and a third temple is to be built in Jerusalem. CBDC one world currency is to be implemented, alongside digital ID, social credit, universal censorship, total surveillance.


dr. π (pi)

jesus-like, moving pictures silent films

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