MacOS Spinning Rainbow Wheel From Hell

Jun 02, 2023 11:11

Last couple months after some software updates, I got the spinning rainbow wheel from hell

I first perceived it to be a woke attack on my person by Mac, and sent a tech request to MacPaw,
who are as woke as they come Ukraine bullshit. So now I've got a rainbow problem and a nazi yellow
and blue flag, sending up red flags all over my system. It now takes minutes rather than seconds
to start up any applications, be it system boot, browser or text app, they all refuse to load,
chawing down on CPU @ 50+% per widget. My activity monitor even hangs in the balance, unable to
sort it out.

Sum Shit : .[Spoiler (click to open)]What's at the bottom of this bottomless pit?

So, I'm running MacOS running 2.5Ghz dual-core intel core i5 processor with 8GB ram 1TB hard drive, so lots of fucking memory all over the board, although I've wondered if the problem is a bottleneck in the 2.5G dual core? A friend tells me he runs 32GB ram on his PC. My 20 year old miniMac only has a 2.5G processor and can't handle the internet anymore. Why do these devices need that much fucking memory just to view a browser page? Beats the hell out of me!

So, I posted a request on Macpaw forum to resolve this. They still haven't got back to me, just sent me a survey to ask how well I rate their service. SFS - So fucking stupid.
Macpaw anti-virus gives us all the ways to deal with spinning rainbow in an article I found online:
However, Macpaw tekkies didn't point me to it. I just found it by fluke'n Google.

I've been running CleanMyMac to clean up deadwood after every session. It has become indispensable cleaning up to a GB of random cache and clicks I gather on the internet. I also found some CPU-sucking system apps, like "deleted", running in the background chawin' on my CPU, and constantly disable them to run the other apps. It helps momentarily. I've disabled startup items to reduce the load on startup, and only open necessary apps. But, I've noticed that the startup is now affected by this overload on CPU. Running Catalina on this old warhorse Pro book. So, what to do... Macpaw itself is using up to 58% CPU at times.

Reference previous problem:

Hillbilly Joker · Hank Williams III

image Click to view

Fuck the Industrial Military Medical Media Banking Complex
Fuck Communist CCP China and TikTok 5G Wuhan Virus
Ban fake news CNN (communist news network)
Don't watch on YT, tell Gootube to go to hell..
A night at the Opera, Use Duck-duck-go!

Hey man... go fuck you!

dr. π (pi)

fuck youtube, fuck microsoft, internet, techyum, world wide web, fuck google

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