The Battle Against the Devil Is Still Being Fought Today

May 21, 2023 17:08

WE Battle the Beast - God Wins

Battle Against the Devil : .via

In one of the final, decisive battles, the rider on the white horse leads the armies of heaven against the enemy armies of the beast
and the false prophet. His enemies are easily defeated, and the beast and the false prophet are thrown into the lake of fire.
When the battle is over, the rider known as “King of kings and Lord of lords” turns His attention to the dragon.

The Book of Revelation : .via

In Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s “Faust”:

THE WITCH: I’m crazy with excitement, now I see
Our young Lord Satan’s back again!

MEPHISTOPHELES: Woman, don’t use that name to me!

THE WITCH: Why, sir, what harm’s it ever done?

MEPHISTOPHELES: The name has been a myth too long.
Not that man’s any better off-the Evil One
They’re rid of; evil is still going strong.

Blake and Satan Adam and Eve are Deceived - So, where the hell are we left in all of this?

In The Philosophy of Tolkien, philosopher Peter Kreeft describes the angels as “the next step up the cosmic hierarchy (from man),
immensely more intelligent, powerful, and beautiful than we are, the most Godlike creatures that exist.” Angels and demons are
spiritual beings-though Scripture and other writers and thinkers suggest they can assume human guises when necessary-and they’re
extra-dimensional, meaning they aren’t constrained by the three physical dimensions and the fixed timeline that constrain man. via

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christ, god wins!, demoncracy, satan claus

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