BB Guns & Water Pistols - poem

Nov 25, 2014 10:01

BB Guns & Water Pistols

A gun is a gun, no matter how small;
A man is a man, no matter how tall;
Guns are dangerous at any age,
Guns don’t kill people: People kill people.
See the child with his daddy’s rage,
shooting and harassing everyone;
Poachers & Gun Runners
Criminals and policemen
Ammo and tantrums,
BB Guns and water blasters
See the angry teen, as seen on TV,
in this video game, cap your ass,
orchestrate a seven part massacre.
First person shooters are we;
Why give a gun to anyone?
A weapon is not a democracy,
but a blind battle of the witless
against the helpless victim, the unwitting.
Don’t give a gun to anyone at any age,
especially consenting adults,
who act out like children, irresponsibly,
Brother, what or who are you afraid of,
that you need a gun to speak of?

Ferguson Missouri in flames sparks nationwide protests over Michael Brown

Violence erupted in Ferguson, Missouri Monday evening after demonstrators learned there would be no criminal indictment of police
officer Darren Wilson for the August shooting death of teen Michael Brown. Protests soon followed across the country.

(Click pic for more info)

Tamir Rice Cleveland Ohio Nov 22: A black 12-year-old boy Tamir Rice, died of his wounds yesterday in hospital after being shot twice
by police in the US as he played with a toy gun in a park in Cleveland, Ohio, on Saturday.

(Click pic for more info)

Cleveland police investigating a scene after an officer fired two shots, killing Tamir E. Rice, 12.


poem, guernica my guernica

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