Casualties of Modernism

Apr 19, 2023 11:08

In case any of you are unaware, we are living in an information revolution,
Akin in many ways to the previous industrial and technological revolutions.
Change is happening at a rapid pace, no sooner do you enlist in something
Then all the rules have suddenly changed, leaving us holding the bag,
So to speak. (I am suffering from information overload...)

Knowledge is power, he who controls history controls the world
So it is known.. Fuck content, data rules, doting on a million “likes”
From some unseen bot farm AI, streaming like a warm pool of diarrhea
Running down your legs, making it impossible to go anywhere or do anything.
So to speak. (My Frigidaire conked out and my food is spoiling)

Trying to startup up Windows PC piece of crap, browser power, as seen on TV
It’s power hour, you have 60 seconds to remember your password, or else
"You are out! Try again later…" says the meter. Piece of crap, handheld,
Microwave your brain with invisible rays, hypnotizing and insane 5G
So to speak. (My PC tractor needs an oil change)

Play "Beat the computer", AI Big Brother is watching everything you do
It knows what you think before it tells you, “Log in, lockout, access denied”
Go away, you are not welcome in this house. Control by exclusion, intrusion,
Simple illusion, “You’re fired! You’re out!” Now go back to where you emerged
So to speak. (My cellphone is watching me as I watch TV)

The world is at war. War is big business. Laundering money for the church offering.
Buying indulgences, for forgiveness, money can buy anything. Money is the root
Of all evil. Satanic tentacled monopoly, strangely euphemistic, strangling humanity.
Big bad-ass villain came across as a paper-tiger, and so, I wound up being obsessed
So to speak. (Moloch sucks the life out of all of us)

You’re hired! You have now joined the illuminati, please do not adjust your set
We control the horizontal and the vertical, for the next undetermined period of
Time, you have entered the Twilight Zone. You are in the matrix, even Tron can’t
Get you out. We control you by the mark, spend time, we control what you buy and sell
So to speak. (Illuminati hitman)

Insufficient funds, you do not have permission, nor do you have sufficient funds
To complete this transaction in the virtual world. You must go back for retraining
Mind entrainment, “Obey! Conform! Consume! Submit!” Pure entertainment.
They Live!! Riot police. Blind justice. Just ass. Pedophile prophets. Bad actors.
So to speak. (Payday)

Don’t you make a mockery of me! I’m just an accidental tourist. When in Rome,
Visit the pope -All roads lead to Rome, Colossus of Rhodes, follow Rhode Island,
Leads to Greece, Rhode Island MA, Lady Liberty leading the people into New York harbour,
To ‘people’ the nation with idiocracy. There are some words, we know they come from Greek.
So to speak. ~psp

Inflationary Information Revolution .[Spoiler (click to open)]describes current economic, social and technological trends beyond the Industrial Revolution.

Koyaanisqatsi Industrial Disease Box Store Blockchain Distribution Food and Commodity Supply Chain

See also:
World economy
Business cycle
Digital dark age
Digital Revolution
Digital transformation
Distribution nightmares
Global village
15 minute cities
Information Age
Information pollution
Information society
Mass communication
Satellite tracking (Google earth, Tesla X-technology)
AI digital surveillance
Knowledge Revolution
Kondratiev wave
Late modernity
Society of the spectacle
Communism, totalitarianism
Post-industrial society
Timeline of computing
White-collar worker
New World Order
Central digital currency
Pharma psycho chemistry otherwise known as Frankenscience (Modern Prometheus)

The Digital City of Kowloon Aerial View Google Maps Identify Your Single Unit Buried Somewhere in the Grid of Mediocrity (15 minute cities)

See you on World Avenue!

Global Industrial Military Banking Media Totalitarian Police State Blockchain Supply Complex

*Were it rather that was Information Evolution, as opposed to Revolution or even Devolution.

dr. π (pi)

poem, techyum, indebted states of america

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