Have you noticed LJ is changing? Again. It seems to be monetizing $$$? Not the personal journal that it used to be.
I noticed this too, when I login, LJ wants to force me to set up an account.
Pinterest has also done similar things like ask for my age before I can log in.
Clear the cookies when this happens and sometimes it resets the algorithms.
Algorithms - I believe it is proof that Al Gore did create the internet, even though he didn't.
Today, I'm getting this shite : 504 Gateway Time-out ngxxx - weird.
The question is now, where is there left on the world wide web to tell your truth and explore your thoughts?
Is this the final Revelation, the end of the world as we know it?
Might revisit Dreamwidth or Wordpress, I guess. Been on LJ 16 years.
Here :
https://pigshitpoet.dreamwidth.org and here :
http://pigshitpoet.wordpress.com How are you finding the changes are affecting you?
For instance LJ changes my language from English to Russian whenever it feels.
Sometimes it scrambles widgets on the friends feed in the comments, and I then have to go to the user page to find the entry
and then leave my comment at that.
So the way it stands, to use the web, you have to have a service provider, a dedicated registered device,
a good anti-virus, a credit card, a VPN and Adblock to block all the ads, so you can find your own content,
and enough time and money to waste to fill a life time.
dr. π (pi)