Domestic Cities

Feb 27, 2023 10:57


Yesterday I awoke to snow again, first since Christmas and New Year. I felt pensive. Lost in life.

It snowed all Saturday night, the temperature was below 0C. I slept in... when I awoke, the sun had come blazing in. I vacuumed the whole house, ran 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen twice, ran the dishwasher, made breakfast for us, tried to work on my art, but my heart just wasn't in it. I swept the snow from the sidewalk so it wouldn't get icy. I took the recycles out to the curb for pickup today. GF wanted to go out and buy some harp strings and we could go for coffee and play Scrabble somewhere in the sun. Sounded like a great idea. The coffee shop was closed on Sunday. The music shop was closed for inventory, so we returned home to try play Scrabble in the sunny window before it got too late. I made myself and espresso. GF wanted to play Scrabble, but she was scattered and not concentrating on the game, which pissed me off. I commented on it and she hissy fitted and went onto the social media train, where she began expounding about more nonsense coming out of the news feeds. She's on a jag with some evangelist named Lee Allison. He bores me. I felt like a rat trapped in an ice box with the frozen vegetables. I went into my studio and listened to some classical music on the radio, and tried to make an effort to move my art project forward, but nothing was working. There was the wrong kind of magic in the air yesterday. So I finally gave in and went to my cave, back into bed onto LJ and responded to comments and listen to music, to take my mind off of what a waste of a day - despite all the domesticities - what a waste of a day it seemed. The snow was only ground cover, the roads were clear, the sun was out and the snow was melting. I was feeling lost and anxious over nothing.

7 days ago ... BC Family Day, a provincial statutory holiday, came and went, much without notice, as we were busy at home, doing "whatever". I remember the banks were closed on the weekend, as GF was wanting to make a deposit that day. The days drag on so uneventful, except for domesticities. Thank God there is laundry!

Maybe today will be better.

On hindsight, the day seemed fairly productive, but something happened with GF. She seems uncommunicative. That's not good.
Maybe we'll try again today, to see where that gets us.
Hopefully this too shall pass..

dr. π (pi)

dr. π (pi)


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