Grounds for Coffee

Feb 01, 2023 16:33

I am haunted by uncertainty these days. Except for immediate domestic concerns, I can’t see a
way past the present situation to get back to what once could be perceived as normal in the world of the artist.

What Joe has to say about this : .[Spoiler (click to open)]

I met with my old artist friend with the burning question, “When we feel like there is no point to anything we do, where do we find inspiration to continue to do what we do”, which is paint, create, or write, or research, or view or appreciate art and music or whatever, to carry on with purpose in this fractured existence?

He said he is in a similar place with family and friends, to the degree that he says, ‘what’s the point?’ Trying to form bridges with others is a waste of time. People seem to be polarized, set in their thinking and not willing to discuss, dialogue, explore or respond to sensitive subjects or issues. In other words, we are “shut down” emotionally and intellectually to the point of not wanting to engage with one another to find common ground, nor to continue or build or maintain relationships, nor to care for families, we are a fragmented mess. He sounded like an old black man wailing the blues crying “Oh what’s the use?” Here I am asking him for advice on the same grounds.

This guy was in the navy at 20 in Korea and Hiroshima after the bomb. Last time he showed me photos of his chaps in the service. Like some black and white movie I've watched as a kid. Thankfully I never had to experience...

Well, his answer was this, “What’s the point?” He said, at age 92 he doesn’t feel like painting anymore. He doesn’t feel obligated to anything anymore, including family demands, or any demands from anybody. He just wants to have a friendship to be able to relate to someone he can converse with rationally and drink his coffee without unwanted scrutiny. In his accomplished opinion, life is too short not to be in the moment and rejoice in every breath and breadth of being.

Neither of us could speak to why we should care anymore, or try anymore, or do anything, other than just the immediate and obvious necessaries. So, it seems my question is still unresolved. What anything?

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I don't feel like doing anything, I don't care. So where do I go from here?

dr. π (pi)

why you love, what joe has to say about this, art artist, coffee, who you love

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