Mass Formation (Psychosis): In Brief: Gustave le Bon to Mattias Desmet

Jul 29, 2022 20:39

“In a crowd every sentiment and act is contagious, and contagious to such a degree that an individual readily sacrifices
his personal interest to the collective interest.” - Gustave Le Bon

Excerpt : .[Spoiler (click to open)]Mass Formation (Psychosis): In Brief: Gustave le Bon to Mattias Desmet

[[ Over the last two years, since the coronavirus outbreak, it can seem that the world-and especially the developed world-has gone completely mad. Governments have locked down entire economies; health authorities have pushed experimental “leaky” vaccines while suppressing early treatments with inexpensive, repurposed drugs; mainstream media and Big Tech, at the apparent direction of government, have censored, slandered, and destroyed critical, credible, and sometimes merely inquisitive dissident voices; citizens investigating vaccine injuries, and vaccine-injured patients themselves have been gaslit, silenced, derailed, and “othered”; and a significant portion of the population has enthusiastically embraced-among other bewildering harms-vaccine mandates, severe restrictions on liberty, scrapping due process, crippled and distorted economies, the de‐monizing of dierently-thinking citizens, dangerously expanding defenitions of terrorism, and ritualistically sacrificing their own masked and socially-starved children to both the “collective good” and to needle-bearing authorities in white coats.

Though children face nearly zero threat from the disease, and in deed face more risk from both masks and untested vaccines (facts that become clear when we glimpse forbidden data), the official policy in many places has been a manic authoritarian push to keep masking, keep isolating, and keep vaxxing-more and more, and younger and younger. Any objections or calls for caution are smothered in denials, false reassurances, and relentless gaslighting. Pregnant women, too, who are usually carefully shielded from experimental vaccines and chemical compounds- they too have been encouraged to get the jab at record speed and without sucient clinical data. Natural immunity has been dismissed as inferior to vaccines-i.e., two million years of evolution suddenly count less than two years of unproven admixtures. Vaccine mandates by both governments and employers coerce people into injecting into their bodies what are still incompletely understood substances-at the threat of losing their jobs, health insurance, and means of support. As more time passes, evidence has accumulated that the mRNA vaccines prevent neither infection nor transmission, cause injuries and other health risks-and while they might stimulate a short-term protective benefit against severe outcomes (a worthwhile consideration), that protection does not last more than a few months and may lead both to immune-escape variants and to weakening of the natural immune system. ]] via

Robert Malone, MD is pushing controversial theory on how the public is being coerced into getting vaxxed regarding public health behaviour.

Desmet provided four pointers to “make mass formation less deep” in the population:

1. Continue to speak out to disrupt the process;
2. Try to connect in the real world;
3. Construct a new normal to show people there are other options to escape the “old normal;”
4. Stick to the principles of non-violent resistance. Nonviolent resistance is important because any aggression (speech or action) can justify the masses to channel all aggression at the dissonant voices.

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.” - Friedrich Nietzsche


dr. π (pi)

insane clown posse, heal the world

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