Belial, the Lord of Lies, Atlantis separation between soul and materialism
Hey Bilial ! You evil snake… s.o.b.
cesspool of poison stool writhing
Don’t shit where you eat, my friend.
You fornicating thief, working against the grain
of everything,
sacrificing meat, toward aberration, division,
and diversion of the human rat species,
devouring everything!
Between evil and the child
Betwixt the evil of Belial and
the good Sons of The Law of One
Can we benefit the masses
rather than feed the classes
At the base of the Sphinx,
the foundation may be found
as to how this was founded
hall of records underground,
Ra-aum, the humble
memory complex of social density
of Venus, which is love,
becomes The Law of One
Beliar, Belial, deceptively beautiful
beastial, worthless, lawless, reckless
self-serving, iniquitous,
will over time devour itself
and everyone else with it
Succubus preying upon consciousness
Previously accepted dogma
Cerebus and the dogs of Hades
...sank the great Atlantis
All things life or procreation
are of one accord
One original thought,
dissected by conflict,
trespass and parasitic intersect
In our wretched self we are outcast
made of pure will in His image
Is it what we are, or what we do
that makes us who we are?
Not one, but two. ~psp
John Milton Paradise Lost
The mind is its own place,
and in itself can make a heaven of hell,
a hell of heaven. - Milton
dr. π (pi)