Muzzle the Muzzlers, Prince Harry the English Poodle

Jun 24, 2022 18:19

We expect British royals to favor muzzling commoners, but too many lawmakers feel the same way

As difficult as it is to sympathize with wealthy people who make a living from high-profile lives whining about the folks who
provide publicity, there's not much peril in them either. Prince Harry, after all, left the life of a human poodle in the United
Kingdom to take on the role of a less-responsible show dog in the United States. He's no danger to our liberty, though he is a
remarkably un-self-aware reminder that his ancestors once did pose a threat with similar sniffy views about "bonkers" freedoms.

Prince Harry's First Amendment Aversion, " Shut up you mouth! " Maybe he needs to be "censored"?

Opposition to free-wheeling speech is more widely shared among people who are in a position to impose a disgruntled prince's
vision of good policy on the world at large, while an immigrant tells us how to run our country.

The First Amendment guarantees freedoms concerning religion, expression, assembly, and the right to petition.

dr. π (pi)

freedom, money, fuck you like an animal, kaliforniecation

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