
May 16, 2022 20:56

Today began with GF in a mood, waking up early to get another estimate on a van repair

Although the muffler is all fixed up and no fumes, the front bumper and windshield need some TLC
Juggling alligators helping GF catch up after virtually 2 years off due to Covid crap.

Suffice to say I'm feeling low today, high anxiety, low esteem, I feel depressed.

The Riddle of a Man : .[Spoiler (click to open)]

Set upon less confidential consorts than I’ve yet ever to have found, the reason for my deflection was unease and dereliction, not bound to a cloud on the internet, nor any particular event horizon I can recall, though I might say in passing there was such a cloud oppressing me. A nebulous and faceless crowd of strangers should I choose to engage them.

Yet neither had there been a case for pleasure or departure, escape seemed more imminent. There were moments of indifference in which, between proposition and portents, the offices of pride pis parti, played a big part, who’s banality utterly repugnant and repellent at the same time, fell short. In short, I stood at the precipice of depression, at the end of extremity, looking down in sarcasm at a mist of indecision swirling through my head.

After 2 years of prepping and posturing I am about to plummet into a darkness, of a dark abyss, taking leave of those few senses I am still saddled with. Nature, for her part, seemed to be of no permanence, no importance, but to to dissolve and dissuade me from all wrongdoings.

You’re like a bloody crow barking, interfering dog, smashing my peace and interfering with my progress interrupting herewith, bent upon expunging my wrongdoings with gusto and hurrah!

dr. π (pi)

sad, cigarettes and coffee, coffee

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