IThe number of truckers expected heading to Ottawa to shut down government overreach mandates is now 55,000 !!
This is not about a piece of shit document called a vax pass. This is about individual soveriengty and personal freedom.
[Spoiler (click to open)]The first leg of the convoy, dubbed The Convoy For Freedom 2022, left B.C. on Sunday
It will be picking up members along the way from the west coast on Trans Canada Hwy 1 from all adjoining provinces to send a clear message to Ottawa, we the people are fed up with their lies and illegal mandates. Trudeau and trucking associations claim most truckers are vaccinated, so it's not about vax choice it's about medical freedom. It's abour freedom of movement and not being dictated to by a little Hitler, whose pants are too small for his breech.
Canada US border Truckers for Freedom, there will definitely be "some" delays on Ontario highways later this week.
It appears the convoy is now 77km in length heading trhough the prairies destined to arrive in Ottawa proper this Saturday Jan 29. The convoy will be met and protected by We Stand On Guard, a patriot organization of ex military and ex-police as well as anti-vax mandate active members opposing being forced to take the experimental vax, which is not a vaccine in the conventional sense, but an experimental bio-weapon and digital tracking nano-particulate being forced on the entire globe under the auspice of manufactured fear and the emergency measures acts of all countries, allowing self-appointed "authorities" to force the poison on a brainwashed and unsuspecting population.
The movement has now raised 3.9 million on GoFundMe and Turdhole is trying to label them a "terrorist" organization to remove their funding status needed to pay for fuel and lodging for 55,000 truckers when they arrive to kick his sick ass out of existence. This shows the support they have from Canadians. The blackface girly boy is right to call Canadians racist an misogynist, because it takes one to know one. I mean, what does that even mean? The little shit is calling the kettle black. Them's fighting words you worthless little castro batarde prick. He started this. We will finish it. Similar to medical workers and government workers and corporate workers, drivers who are impacted by this, basically have been removed from the workforce, without recource of employment insureance or severence pay or ways to meet financial obligations or feed their families. Nada. Welcome to Communist Canada.
Last Wednesday, a group of truck drivers protested the mandate at the US-Manitoba international border, blocking the highway and slowing traffic.
This is the piece of shit photo they publish with the headline that truckers are protesting about roads, while only "a few unvaxed truckers" are protesting the vax pass. The puppet Canadian Trucking Alliance is denouncing the protest, saying "drivers should be complying with public health requirements." Fuck you Mr. Spaceman, you're not a doctor, neither are you a trucker. We have put the actors in the trucking associations on legal NOTICE of Liability, for their illegal participation in this criminal political agenda. We have proof that covid has never been scientifically isolated nor proven to exist. We have ample proof from accredited doctors who are not black mailed nor compromised nor receving payola from pharmaceuticals to skew the evidence that experimental mRNA bio-weapons call it is, a bio-weapon, are somehow necessary for our existence. FRAUD! India is pressing legal charges against Bill Gates for vaccine fraud and crimes against humanity.
Mainstream media is trying to downplay the event by claiming it is about road conditions. The decoy.
Calling them "unvaccinated truckers" plan “Freedom Convoy” to protest cross-border vaccine mandate, is an understatement, since most truckers are so called vaccinated. Again, deflecting the truth. Dividing workers to weaken the cause. This is about freedom of movement and personal autonmy and rightful sovereignty. Not some concocted excuse of bumpy roads.
CBC and Global mainstream media deflect reporting truth by reporting on another trucker strike that is protesting safety conditions or road conditions, since roads haven't been maintained for 2 years of economic shutdown. So that needs to be looked at. By whom? Since our government is completely unresponsive on anything except tax increases and hidden spending. Just like the dirty dems in the US, who paid nothing in support of their own citizens to get through this sick plandemic. The politicians are the real sickness. Turdhole has spent all of our tax money funding pharmaceutical profits on a bio-weapon that is now injuring and killing arrogant twits who follow the psy-op. It appeals as an easy answer to the empty headed public brain. They completely sidestep the data coming from independent research or red flags posted on social media with video proofs and posts being blatantly censored stating the massive engagement of this working man pilgrimage to vist the emperor who has no clothes is some other cause than transparency and truth. It has all become too personal. And there are many ready to fight back. This is the tip of the iceberg.
Allow me to be as delicate as possible here. On Sunday an uncesnored video posted on corporate regulated Fakebook, revealed the large crowds of supporters on Trans Canada Hwy 1 at every overpass from Delta BC (the variant ha-hah!) to Hope, as the truckers left the lower mainland past where the freak flooding occurred in mid November 2021. The road is now open into winter and sub-zero snow conditions through the Rocky mountains, across the prairies and out east to Ottawa and we hear there are over 100 km of convoy now joined in the journey to tell this lying snake who is anything but a leader to take his mandate and shove it up his dirty little corrupt ass. Just a small measure of how determined Canadians are to end this facade after 2 years of being lied to. Unlike poor Australia, who are being quarrantined and force vaxed and rounded up in concentration camps like bloody rats, by their communist fascist overlords, we intend to fight back. None of which is being reported on the mainstream news. We live in a corporate controlled dystopia. Chaos prevails. Anarchy will be next, unless this criminal fakery is brought to rest.
Count 'em 150,000 truck plugging up Ottawa streets. En masse, pumping deisel to stay from freezing, waitin for Turdhole to come out of his rathole.
ny What it means to be Canadian - Freedom from Political Tyranny
This initiative is destined to hit 150,000 trucks and truckers and a total of 700,000 people by the time it hits Ottawa.