Hiroshi Mama

Jan 21, 2022 20:27

The Specific Field of Science is Called Poopology

Yoshi Sushi is a paleoecologist, archaeologist and she specializes in human-exrement, having found petrified fesces
samples in over 100 countries worldwide, of human land use and fire management and archeological ecosystems, dating
as far back as the paleolithic and neolithic periods of human evolution. Yoshi claims you can really tell a lot from
people's shit. Combining archaeology, archaeobotany, paleoecology and paleoclimatology to study the influence of
human colon-ization on biological geography and fecal matter in fermental activity in prehistoric stool samples.

Coprolite: Petrified Stool (fossilized poop) that is millions of years old...

You can tell a lot by what we humans used to eat. "People may die off, but their shit remains, and we can study what
they ate", says Sushi in a university presentation at the museum of anthropology in Vancouver, January 20, 2022.

"For instance, the Romans used to bury their shit, while other scientologists were under the impression they used
aquaducts for runoff methods to dispose of human excrement. Today humans will become recycled as soylent green
food nutrient as well as made into fertilizer for factory farming as the mRNA bio-weapon die-off continues."

You can't make this shit up : https://www.nationalgeographic.org/find-explorers/shira-maezumi

dr. π (pi)

naked lunch, anthropology, archeology, shite

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