“The mistletoe, was revered by the ancient Greeks as sacred, yet superstition has it that the reason why it is so lucky to be kissed under it is that the plant once offended the old Gods, who thereafter condemned it to have to look on while pretty girls were being kissed.” In many pre-Christian cultures, holly was associated with the god of winter, it was also the sacred plant of Saturn and was used at the Roman festival of Saturnalia to honor him. Romans gave one another holly wreaths and carried them about, decorating them with images of Saturn. But what of the lowly mushroom?
Siberian shamans used to dress to resemble that of the Amanita Muscaria, and, according to some sources, female shamans originally wore red and white costumes trimmed with white fur, black boots, and felt red hats. To this day, Siberian mushroom gatherers go out in a ceremonial red and white outfit to honour the colour of the mushrooms they pick. Red hat, red suit trimmed with white fur, black boots…Santa Claus!
Why are the reindeer on our Christmas cards often shown flying? Well, because Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Blitzen, and Rudolph are off their faces on magic mushrooms….obviously. Haynes also said that Shamans and herdsmen drink the reindeer urine to experience the high themselves, which is apparently where the term ‘to get pissed’ comes from. According to an account by Andy Letcher, who spent some time living with the Sami, his hosts started feeding reindeer hallucinogenic mushrooms, which the deer consumed happily. They then collected the urine, boiled it up in a pot, and shared it around.
Philip Johann von Strahlenberg, a Swedish prisoner of war in the early eighteenth century, reported seeing Koryak tribes-people waiting outside huts where ‘mushroom sessions’ were taking place, waiting for people to come out and urinate. When they did, it was collected in wooden bowls and drunk.. The hallucinogenic effect of the Amanita Muscaria could apparently be recycled up to five times in this manner. He published his account in 1730, in ‘An Historical and Geographical Description of the North and Eastern Parts of Europe and Asia, Particularly of Russia, Siberia, and Tartary’