Art Justified

Dec 07, 2021 11:20

Open Societies of Seorge Poros and The Gate Keepers

" So, what you’re proposing is a lockdown “free society” under poverty with restricted movement enforced by communist militia?
Isn’t that just house arrest? …with no police.. isn’t that just anarchy? " - Ai Wei-wei

Meridithcorp -io-image

There has to be a better way for creatives to interact with public domain than on some left wing jackass-like Bill Gates dysfunctional microbe platform.

Maybe We're All Just Sunflower Seeds

" Maybe being powerful, means to be fragile " - Ai-wei-wei millions of hand painted sunflower seeds

For instance, consider spending days, weeks on producing a beautiful hand rendered image that speaks from the heart, only to have some troll from CCP China co-opt and publish the image in some way, not recognizing authorship, authenticity or copyright. only cut & paste, multiply and profit. Rather than pay the $25000 an original piece may be worth, the system steals the image and markets it for profit or politics. How many images do forums propagate? The internet has long since reached critical mass, that the visual search engines are like a needle in a hay stack to try to find anything that is not actively promoted, ie. for money, to make more money, usually residual income with no emotional quotient. It enters a world of robotics. That is the world we as artists must reconcile today.

Not into anarchy, nor spray paint, (not a needle and ink tattoo artist - choose the tattooist of your choice to have it placed). but I love Banksy! I prefer constructive ideas, and recollection in tranquility. That's where my head is. My heart, I have yet to find. As artists we are only as satisfied as our latest endeavour. We seek deeper understanding of our world and wish to express, integrate or convey those revelations. Regardless of whether it can be made relevant.

Banksy’s style of anti-authority and entertaining political commentary, makes him loved by many and hated by others

Despondent, not willing to begin the beguine, life is rotting in the trenches, what use is there to life, if we're living the Lie?

I have now outlived 3 portfolios online, the internet is pathetic for longevity. 'IT's' more like a virus that devours its own content with predatory algorithms, which after 25 years of learning curves, I am personally sick of. There has to be a better way for creatives to interact with public domain than on some left wing jackass like Bill Gate's dysfunctional microbe platform. I've spent much of that 25 years finding workarounds to his program deficiencies. The amount of money he has taken out of the world in the name of computers is criminal. having created the original virus on computer, he's now messing with our biology in some frankenscience vaccination project with big pharma vaccine to depopulate the planet of real human beings.

There was even an Xbot video game named Omikron featuring David Bowie prophecying this zombie apocalypse we find ourselves in, that tanked in its time. Revisited it can give credo to what I am speaking of here. X-box was another microsoft copycat, trying to be as good as all the independent content gamers. Some claim the precept too similar to Covid, ie. Omicron. Ghost in the machine. (Check Friday for that post)

At this point in social networking and marketing tech (what we now call society, and lamely passes for modern culture) we need a new perspective, one that invites and honours all contributors for their intrinsic value and unique input. What are we to do with all the landscape, still life and portrait painters, for instance? How do you even reach them if they are not on (co-opted and owned by) FB or YouTwitFace? What treasures have they lost in their forgotten closets. The follow-factor is like sheeple with sunglasses who can't read the small print, nor can they thinQ outside the crater that is their wasteland, anything beyond what is entrenched and familiar to them. Like the many crows who congregate in a murder, they also like shiny objects. So hide your jewelry for they are a jealous lot and would "just as soon look at you as bust your face" as prescribed by hairy rednecks.

If you look at the Antifa temporary autonymous zone CHAZ in Seattle (it seems so long ago) smoke and mirrors during covid lockdown leading up to the us election, it was a brilliant coup of the system, which was told to stand down for nefarious reasons, in the form of poetic terrorism as coined by Hakim Bey as T.A.Z. in the art world it would simply be called conceptual art! what a world! and on, anon...

So yes, I have learned to thinQ. WWG1WGA!

That's where my head is. I'm looking for like- and not-so-like- minded individuals who want to bring ideas into fruition.  
That makes growing roses all worthwhile. My heart, I have yet to find. As an artist we are only as satisfied as our latest endeavour.
We seek deeper understanding of our world and wish to express, integrate or convey those revelations.

dr. π (pi)

art banksy, techyum, art on art, art for arts sake

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