Major Distress

Oct 22, 2021 09:45

Having a meltdown this morning. Yesterday I found out GFs nephew is in a coma from a stroke after his second vax shot.
Today I got message that an ex police friend's son is whacking out on fentanyl, two days in a row he has found his son
whacked out when he arrived home after his daily jog. Is this also due to "Covid"? These are healthy young men falling
apart. The ex cop also sees the insanity of the mRNA being forced on the public. His son can no longer handle it.

[Spoiler (click to open)]Prayed all night, couldn't sleep, just spent the last 4 hours trying to get some information submitted to the rental assistance. It kept rejecting the form due to too high memory on the documents. Then had to reconfigure and optimize the images to lower the memory and reexport 5 times to finally get it sent. I'm a basket case at the moment. Things look pretty bleak. Not sure what options are left if I can't get the rent covered. Faced with vaccine mandates, which are science fiction bullshit, I feel like we've entered the Twilight Zone. Pretty much at Wit's End (I think that's a place in Ireland). Just reaching out to God for hie protection and guidance for the next while as usual in these confusing times. Hoping my rent can be resolved. And praying for those young men to return to reality.

These are strange days.

dr. π (pi)

health issues, money, god wins!, homeless

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