Who Do You Think You Are?

Sep 04, 2021 16:39

More and more people are hearing about the Native American idea of the wetiko mind-virus

Wetiko-called by many different names throughout history-is at the very root of the collective madness
and corresponding evil that we, as a human species, are collectively acting out on the world stage.

If we don’t pick up and mobilize the creativity that is an essential aspect of our very nature,
however, wetiko is happy to use our unexpressed creativity for us in order to serve its agenda,
which we can be sure does not serve our best interests.

The Master Meme

“The counterfeiting spirit” (the antimimon pneuma)

The world is not what your think it is...


Nor does it appear otherwise!

dr. π (pi)

mindfuck, lets all go to harleyworld, indian spoof

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