Culture Jamming in The Society of the Spectacle

Jul 02, 2021 19:57

There is a Rat in CorpoRATe

"We're so far up the yin-yang of America Inc. that we're on the side of injustice without even realizing it" - Ad Busters

Corruption is The Corporation. Don't throw flowers, throw money. Flowers die. Manufacturing dissent.

The Declaration of Independence was not just to free America from British rule, but also from the tyranny of British corporations.

Corporate charters were once granted very selectively and for a specific purpose - usually to raise money to fund some common-good project (You literally could not get a corporate charter unless you could prove there was a service dimension to the venture). They put limits on how big and powerful the corporation could become. And they had a self-destruct mechanism: they automatically dissolved when their purpose was fulfilled.

Nobody listened and corporations continued to roll the dice, amending and breeching laws for self-gain. The turning point was a legal event (1886) in Santa Clara County against Southern Pacific Railway in which not only right of way was granted, but the U.S. Supreme Court deemed that a private corporation was a "natural person" under the U.S. Constitution and therefore entitled to the same protection as any "citizen" under the Bill of Rights previously enjoyed only by people. Santa Clara became in essence nothing less than a corporate takeover and considered one of the great legal blunders of the nineteenth century.

By the roaring twenties corporations employed 80% of the workforce producing most of America's wealth having become too powerful to legally challenge, allowing them to virtually get away with murder. Ruled by a coalition of government and business interests. The coup into private control amounted to what is now a slow-motion train wreck.

The gap between rich and poor grows too wide, corporations have shrugged off any sense of corporate good, Wall Street is too greedy, secrecy is too pervasive, surveillance too invasive, and debt-collectors are too fucking rude.

It's time for a Worldwide General Strike!!

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We the people have lost control. Corporations, these legal fictions we ourselves created two centuries, now rule over us.

The time of accepting the lesser of two evils is past. You have now entered into the Twilight Zone. ~psp

dr. π (pi)

socio politics, communism, conspiracy theory, censorship

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