Internet Censorship Cyber Bullying

Apr 09, 2021 16:20

Stop Cyber Bullying and End IT Manipulation Once And For All

These top 5 ways can really help you fight cyber bullying.
Know these ways to save your soul and regain your peace of mind.

Internet Censorship For Consumers

1.Never React Quickly On Social Media
2.Don’t Respond To Unnecessary DM’s
3.Resist Posting Personal Information On Public Forums
4.Open Up to Your Closed Ones In Real Time, Reduce Online Time
5.Don’t Get Involved In A Controversial Post
6.Once A Block, Always A Block, Blocking Everything Makes The Whole World Deaf Dumb And Blind
7.Establish Your Own Personal Boundaries and Abide By Them
8.Move To A New Platform, Find A Fresh Start
9.Get Off The Internet, Get A New Life
10.YouTwitFace, (Anti)Social Media Is A Hornet's Nest - Get Wise!

If you are being harassed, blocked or censored on Social Platforms you need to have a look at what that means to you.

It is no secret that corporate media that built the internet is now controlling use of it.

Don't support Big Tech. Look for local platforms to connect, or make your own forum page.

Alternatives to YouTwitFace : Gab, Parlor, Telegraph, MeWe, Rumble, Bitchute, D-live, Ello, Minds, EyeEm, Nextdoor.. For business LinkedIn, Alignable, Yelp, Google Maps

I you are old school and looking for a blog page to write and post journals and personal information, try Livejournal or Wordpress

Build Your Own Social Platform : Let's make something great!

The idea behind digital technology is "build once, reach many!"

Take charge of your own destiny by building your own social network platform!

Real Servers for Serious Providers :

Big Tech Sucks! We need more feeds!

Anti-Social Media Run By Big Tech : Fuck Big Tech, Bye-bye Bad Guys!
Forbes Big Tech and the Big Fuck

What to do if You're Tired of Big Media : While most of us will just sign up to memberships on big tech platforms,
Some of us would like to control your own destiny and have a dream...

The difference is being a victim, er I mean consumer, subject to Big Tech manipulation signing up for user fees
Or being used by predatory algorithms to track and market unwanted materialism to you
Or being a creative, establishing your own destiny.
Which will you be?

Prefer to remain Anonymous, quit signing up for everything!

YouTwitFace = Youtube (Gootube), Twitter, Instagram, Facebook Big Tech

dr. π (pi)

bull in a cave, internet censorship, censorship

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