Covid Wind and Rain

Dec 15, 2020 10:28

While I lay sleeping...

It's been storming and windy all night, I couldn't sleep. Posted some music until I got tired and tried to sleep again.

I've been worried about Emergency Assistance during Covid. The game keeps shifting. At first it was easy to qualify, then the period ran out and they switched the assistance to Employment Insurance. Being self-employed part-time on disability assistance, makes it difficult to qualify for the subsidy. So this month I'm stuck for rent just in time for Christmas and New Year, and by all indications, by the time I provide documents for proof of self-employment, it will take up to four weeks to process. So I have no idea where I stand until this all plays through. In the meantime, my regular part-time teaching was cancelled since Covid started in March. My basic disability assistance doesn't cover all the bases and worsens going into winter with increases in utilities in a paper shack that uses a lot of energy for heating. Without heat my face pain triggers more. It's a catch 22. I feel really low, but trust that the universe will somehow help me get through this. So the criteria to qualify for further assistance means looking for work, but the economy is shut down and the fellow who wants the commission might end up going under if it doesn't open up soon. This covid has devastated our normal lives, if we were doing anything more than lying in bed with our lives. So even the commission is presently in limbo until this gets kickstarted. But even at that, with little to no income, makes it impossible to cover rent. We were lucky to get out from under the commercial rent and work from home, we cut our expenses in half essentially. That rent went up 40% last year and the previous year our home rent sent up 30%. When my face hurts I can't do much, and when I try to work, it's difficult, but I manage somehow, depending on the weather. The coming winter is pretty harsh on the face. So, I am facing my problems head on and trust that it will somehow fall into place. Been praying every morning to find guidance on what to do next. It's one small step for me and six steps backwards for mankind! In spite of the hardship, I still feel pretty lucky to have a roof over my head and a studio I can work in.

It is one thing to deal with my face pain. It is another to worry about (lack of) income. Never mind covid.

As with the weather, as they say, "This too, shall pass.."

Instead of meteor showers, we're having heavy rain showers. People are out walking in the dark

And now, the sun is out! Go figure!

dr. π (pi)

health issues, weather channel, life is transient

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