Harvey Tallbender Down the Rabbit Hole

Nov 10, 2020 18:16

The billionaire ancient Egyptian vampire Set’s personal invisible spy and secret agent the 6 foot 8
Welsh pooka invisible bunny rabbit Harvey Tallbender was once again in Paris to spy on Emmanuel
Macron’s pro-globalist and pro-EU forces in the wake of the European Parliament elections.

Follow the White Rabbit...

Tallbender worked his way through a group of marijuana smoking architecture students from California who were smoking weed and drawing sketches for a re-vamped Notre Dame Cathedral in the wake of last month’s fire.

As a result of inhaling pot smoke, anyone was able to see the very tall bunny rabbit, the ET gray from the planet Nibiru, preening his long ears, and sitting at the bar drinking his Tequila Sunrise cocktail with a carrot in a mixture of orange juice, vodka and Galliano, he nicknamed a "Harvey Wallbanger".

“Before Covid, I used to be an advisor to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,” Harvey spoke to the man in the funny suit sitting beside him, “until his pot smoking desert cactus plant named Strawberry Fields Forever got kidnapped by China’s intelligence service and is being held hostage in exchange for the release of Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou from Canadian custody. So Trudeau hasn’t been able to see me since last December.”

“So who are Justin Trudeau’s advisors now?” P-f-p-p-f-p-p-f-f... asked the mysterious man in gray, as he sucked hard on his magic doobie. He was one of the Men in Black from the American Space Force program, trying to disguise himself as one of the grays.

“An exorcist might have to be brought in," Harvey told the shadow puppet.

“I met an exorcist once,” the Welsh rabbit ordered Welsh rarebit off the menu from the sexy Playbunny taking his request, “the Rev. Father Aidan Bury Saint Edmunds who tried to exorcise a couple of demon possessed dogs in British MP Renfield R. Renfield’s constituency. The dogs managed to escape and are still roaming the English countryside.”

Just then a pair of men in black from BLM came and sat down across from Tallbender and Grayman.

The more shadowy of the two spoke out to reveal the recent underpinnings of peace in the middle east, “What this means, is that the Jared Kushner peace plan, the so-called deal of the century as it has been dubbed in Donald Trump’s Twitter tweets, is now dead in the water. The plan was always delayed for some reason or other. Last autumn’s bodily dismemberment of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul certainly put a major kaibosh into the Kushner peace plan. Then it had to be delayed because of the Israeli elections earlier this year. Then Ramadan came up. It was to be released early next month following the end of Ramadan. But now with new Israeli elections, its release will now have to be delayed until those elections are over. Then this fall will be too close to next year’s U.S.Presidential election and on the off-chance something goes wrong with the peace plan, Trump will probably delay the plan until after next year’s Presidential election. So it probably won’t be announced until well into 2021.”

“I guess this means Ivanka Trump will never see her father win the Nobel Peace Prize,” the other man in black mused cynically. Yes, they were black, but you could see right through them. They had the mark of Soros on them, money for nothing and their tricks for free. The Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC and Global News Canada disinformation branches of the New World Order Ministry of Propoganda denied that those rioting, looting and burning in various inner cities across the U.S. were anything but “peaceful protestors”.

"Justin Trudeau might suddenly be seeing fifty shades of Gray at his back door to hand him his marching papers along with his pedophile buddies from black face in theatre school. Trying to escape public scrutiny of paying off his family graft from public funds for their "humanitarian" work on the trans gender agenda mountain pipeline using public money in the We scandal, his mother Margaret's proposition for the furtherance of #MeToo having been screwed over by Fidel Castro when married to old Pierre, and Justin being the natural outcome of this marriage made in hell in the fascist forming dictatorial 60s, this after proroguing parliament to deflect the public attention on him, much to the chagrin of the Conservative Party, he tried to form a coalition with the NDP socialist party to move the country closer towards communism 5G death ray surveillance. When that didn't work he threatened to call a flash election to avoid investigation of allegations of fraud and collusion with Soros Open Society and the Clinton Foundation to further destabilize youth with their globalist transgender bender agenda, which makes it necessary for men and women to trade roles in society of giving up raising children under the state, so they can normalize pedophilia, until the globalists could play the Covid plandemic fear card on the unwary global populations to take down all government economies in a bid for global supremacy through microchipping the population under the control of the world central bank and IMF. Canadians are fed up with all that trash, and seem to have the right O'toole for the job! As the trumpet sounds on Justin Trudeau, Trump and the Patriots will try to stop him, but he's too far gone down the pedophile rabbit hole to be saved from himself."

Meanwhile in Ottawa, while this was all going down in a bar at the end of the universe, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told a reporter for a major Canadian financial periodical that "he was happy to report that Canadian cannabis sales were up all over the world". Donald Trump was having a conversation with Lexington his English butler and valet, asked his butler whether he thought it was a good idea to build a wall along the Canada-U.S. border in an effort to keep "plant guy" out of the U.S. - By a guy named Christopher Milner
Spy Tales of Wonder and Imagination : https://draculvanhelsing.wordpress.com/category/spy-tales/

You mean, like, the Mickey Mouse?

dr. π (pi)

dr. π (pi)

england, alice in wonderland, canada, space shuttle, american breakdown, vainglorious bastards, #metoo

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