GF & I

Jul 27, 2020 13:39

I think the self-isolation is getting to us. We've started arguing about nothing and everything.

No hay problema!

Things will be going along nicely and then she pushes some buttons that feel like blame to me, which I am not willing to accept, since I know different. She thinks she can make her problems disappear by blaming me. No, thank you. It all started out nice and cosy, packing to go to the park to meet her daughter. No telling if there is another covid wave what will happen. Total shutdown or self-isolation, so she is taking advantage of this time to see her grandsons.

Today we again took a trip to meet the daughter and grandsons at half way park to visit at the beach. This time we chose an obscure out of the way park near the other one, but unpopulated by people. We got the kids some sand pails and shovels, and a giant beach blow, which it took 3 of us to inflate one breath at a time. While I'm blowing into the ball I am highly aware not to blow too hard, as the pressure could set my nerve pain in my face on fire. Then I began thinking about if 3 of us are blowing up the same ball can we transfer covid to one another, not that anyone is symptomatic. It just seems that everywhere we go, people are paranoid and wearing masks and getting rude and impatient standing in line ups.

So isolated in nature at an empty beach, I played kick ball with a four year old and taught him to shoot at the goal, and not go "offside!"

"Nice throw!" I say.

"No, you're offside," he tells me. ; ))

Fun morning at the beach!

I spoke with my son finally yesterday to find out his wife who is an administrative nurse is embroiled in policy making at hospitals regarding covid, so they are strict mainstream, mask wearing, self-isolating, obedient millennial beings. They won't come to a b-day party to join GFs daughter and her friends, whit whom they are familiar, but as a consolation, he said maybe they would come out to visit us. No covid here, but there are people with symptoms and a couple in hospitals. Because of the covid patients the hospitals are closed to regular medical procedures, causing one father to die of heart failure, because he couldn't get a heart surgery, which he needed. So yet one more bereft fatherless family to feed.. and there are still cases of covid happening, although no one we know. They feel safer safe distancing.

Here's the best thing I heard about all this lately. A Russian doctor speaks out about covid, truth and reality. “It’s all exaggerated. It’s an acute respiratory disease (i.e. the flu) with minimal mortality. Why has the whole world been destroyed? That I don’t know.” - Dr. Alexander Myasnikov (ie. "tek yur masken-off")

First she starts telling me that she is concerned that her youngest grandson may not be sleeping because the parents leave the wifi and dect phone on near where he sleeps. So she wants to let her daughter use our grounding mat to see if that will help. I say yes. But having been through the mill with EMF hypersensitivity for 5 years, I tell her the only sure solution is to turn the fucking wifi off while they sleep. She knows this, but doesn't want to press her daughter or hurt her feelings and turn her against her, so she says I am being too extreme. I said, from experience I am telling you the grounding mat may reduce the fatigue slightly, but to rebuild the child's energy, they need to turn the power and the signal off. Otherwise they need meters to measure signal strengths and sources and see where the interruptive energy is coming from. She starts screaming at me that I'm not a good father, and my own son doesn't talk to me. And I tell her I wonder about my own grand daughter, and the wifi and EMF in their condo building that may be affecting her. But she's right, we can't talk to the parents, because they think we are over reacting. They are leftist socialists for the most part brainwashed by big brother to OBEY and disagree with anything that contradicts the mainstream narrative. They are incapable of having an open dialogue about anything serious as life and death. I have not idea what millennials think. My own son seems to be bigoted and hypocrite. So we get into a fight where she starts to blame me for being to harsh and I tell her she needs to use tough love, because this bullshit is real and serious. Then she tells me I am radical and over aggressive. And I tell her with somethings you can't be vague or lenient. You have to call it for what it is and deal with it directly, not sidestep it, like some political pundit. So she says she hates me for saying this. And I say, stop blaming me for your problems. And the virtual shit hits the fan while we are on our home through afternoon traffic.

So I am trying to teach GF the route in her head so she can drive herself some day. It's like
driver training. I give her an N (Novice). She gets distracted thinking or talking, not paying
attention to where she is going, then last minute I am trying to correct her to avoid detours,
and she gets angry because I'm "telling her what to do". Fuck you. Are you driving or not?
The traffic is fucking ridiculous, and impatient speed demons passing every which way.
You have to stay alert and drive defensively. She doesn't like to take instruction from me.
Then she says she's tired, she didn't get enough sleep and woke up at 5am, and I say why
didn't she tell before we were on the freeway, 3 confusions later, and I would have driven.
Loving as she is, she can be obstinate. And judgmental and blaming. She needs therapy.
I think she still hasn't processed what happened with her son. She seems to want to
point blame at me for her agitations. I tell her no thanks, deal with it yourself.
I'm done with that shit and I've moved on. It's yours to deal with, not me.
You chose to go to the wall for him. Now you have to recover yourself.


health issues, a life of love, love game

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