The rebellion of György Dózsa in 1514 spread like lightning in the Kingdom of Hungary's
monarchy where hundreds of manor-houses and castles were burnt and thousands of the
gentry killed.
Class conflict, also referred to as class struggle and class warfare, is the political tension
and economic antagonism that exists in society consequent to socio-economic competition
among the social classes or between rich and poor.
György Dózsa (or György Székely, Romanian: Gheorghe Doja; 1470 - 20 July 1514) was a Székely man-at-arms (and by some accounts, a nobleman) from Transylvania, Kingdom of Hungary who led a peasants' revolt against the kingdom's landed nobility. He was eventually caught, tortured, and executed along with his followers, remembered as both a Christian martyr and a dangerous criminal during the reign of king Vladislas II of Hungary (1490-1516), royal power declined in favour of the magnates, who used their power to curtail the peasants' freedom.
A posthumous portrait of György Dózsa from 1913
" I am convinced that those societies (as the Indians) which live without government enjoy in their general mass an infinitely greater degree of happiness than those who live under the European governments. Among the former, public opinion is in the place of law, & restrains morals as powerfully as laws ever did anywhere. Among the latter, under pretence of governing they have divided their nations into two classes, wolves & sheep. I do not exaggerate. This is a true picture of Europe. Cherish therefore the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you & I, & Congress & Assemblies, judges & governors shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions; and experience declares that man is the only animal which devours his own kind, for I can apply no milder term to the governments of Europe, and to the general prey of the rich on the poor. " - Thomas Jefferson, Letter to Edward Carrington - January 16, 1787
American statesman, Thomas Jefferson, diplomat, lawyer, architect,
philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president
of the United States from 1801 to 1809, died with an extensive amount
of debt. France was not the first peasant revolution in Europe or the world for that matter.
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