LGBTQ2IA and sometime H

Jun 05, 2020 15:33

Or like dey say in French Canadienne, "H'aytch!" - 'Etero sexual. What about 'M' for Metro sexual?

Or 'C' for Curious or Chuavanist? Or 'D' for Dom? Or 'E' for Eunuch, or 'P' for Pedophile or Pervert, or XY&Z,
anything else you can think of... ?? 'U' for in Utero, or 'A' for Arsehole. The A to Z of Queery.

It Just Used to be LGBQT

I suppose if you want to be PC about it, we should call it "alternative lifestyle", like acting in a play. You could be whatever you want to, as long as you could find the right costume and create suspension of disbelief, to make your audience like you. In fact, we learned from Nardo that most LGBQT's were attention whores and there was much infighting in that community to scrap for attention. Like B is for Bitch, or A is for Asshole, so why not include P for Prick or C for Cunt or J for Jackass? Or 'S' for Shithead, Sadist or Slob? It's all subject for discussion.. isn't it? 'T' for Taboo. 'C' for Catholic. 'A' for Anarchist, 'R' for Rapist, 'T' for Therapist... According to psychiatrists who work with sex identity, there is only 'H' hetero, or gay. 'H' isn't even included in the equation. The rest is bogus, made up tripe. You are either a Missionary, of a fucking Deviant.

I spent 5 years trying to save GFs son from the transgender agenda to reverse his sex, after a brain concussion. It was clear he had "mommy complex", and that what he needed was psycho therapy, not a sex change. Yet, being an adult, he is left to make his own decisions. And he made many bad choices, to get him to where he was ready to exit. So many individuals out of the norm, unable to reconcile themselves in social relationship choose suicide in the end. And Nardo did. He exited. Last Easter before COVID. I keep transmitting to him he's not missing anything more absurd than what he did. Jump off a cliff with a magic box of personal keepsakes to get even with his non-compassionate father. Ten years we spent trying to foster him at 35, he took the next exit. Chicken shit? Or braveheart? You decide. The meds didn't help him. His refusal of counselling and true friendship didn't phase on him. It was like he was set on being a jackass and was going to live his life by it. Or die trying. He apparently did a little of both. May he R.I.P. in it.

Under prescription, he took the hormones, grew some tits and wasn't sure if he should castrate himself. They weren't even real tits, but probably more natural than silicone enhancements. I wasn't about to touch them with a ten foot knob. He should have gotten into porn, or 'acting' I mean, so he could act out his fantasies as they appeared to him. He fancied himself a writer, but from what GF shared with me from his diaries, he was far from anything literary. We went to his graveside to visit him on the 1 year anniversary of his passing. Otherwise, it seems like a lifetime already, with all the changes since that spectre hit the fan.

So it seems anything and everything is candidate for racism, sexism, radicalism, feminism, any "ism". George Floyd was a black porn star on meth' when he was snuffed by a whit cop. Does that make it racist? ANTIFA and Black Live Matter, and probably Me Too, would like to polarize this into a black and white matter. The matter is that he was just a deluded guy, just like Nardo, unable to find his flag in the modern jungle. These people are victims of our society, but should they be raise to the stature of martyr? At the same time a 77 year old black cop is gunned down trying to stop all this futile violence and vandalism by THUGS of all brands, probably throw in some skinheads and rednecks and blues brothers, and we have ourselves a picnic! The black cop who was murdered is more of a martyr than George Floyd, and yet we should have compassion for both their stories. What makes one go mainstream and another go underground. Life circumstances can have a lot to do with it. So can social conditioning and peer pressure, as we as family background, education, community. What I'm getting at, is that it is not so simple to make a single thread out of this unfortunate situation. People are dead. Does that mean that more people must die to make it better again? Can people even be better than the hand that life has dealt them? Many criminals are recidivist. They repeat their patterns given the circumstances.

What would you do if you were George Floyd's brother? Or the white cop who killed him? Or the black cop that was killed in the line of duty? Or the chief of police trying to keep the peace? Or the mayor responsible for the welfare of a whole city of people of mixed backgrounds? Or the governor who oversees the situation as it relates to other communities under his/her jurisdiction. Or POTUS who is ex deus machina, and the National Guard. Or a bunch of testosterone punks hell bent on destruction, regardless of who is the victim? THUGS incorporated. Arrest that ankle fart George Soros and string him for his crimes to humanity, until his eyes bulge so that he can see the suffering he's caused. That is the real disease here. Not COVID. Not racism. Not sexism. Just one fucking global elite who needs to be arrested and brought to justice for all the money he bleeds. So give him an ankle bracelet and take away his bank accounts.

Anything extreme is life out of balance, Koyaanisqatsi. We need to find forgiveness and compassion, rather than revenge and vengeance. Except for Soros, because Soros floats..

So, is COVID the new smallpox? The Europeans brought smallpox to America and killed millions of indigenous people with gifts of blankets. A 'natural genocide'. If we look past the riots and protests, we find China CCP virus preying an approximate role. Worldwide. Is China's communists out to get us? Are we being programmed how to get fucked? I need to write a poem to deal with all the acronyms from the past year. Forging shite. Yet each letter can stand for a whole lot more! Apparently June marks Indigenous History Month as well as LGBTQ2IA Pride requiring our attention. Shows what our lawmakers think of indigenous peoples, on whose land we live on. Why can't they be a separate hue? And be included in the stew? So what's the big deal?

The new acronym now is LGBTQ2IA, "les', gay, bi', trans', queer, 2 spirited (isn't that just schizophrenic?)
inter' and asexual."

So, what if you are none of the above? Then select from an A-Z list here for fuck sake! And stand for something!

dr. π (pi)


sexploitation, nardo, transgender bender, transvestite, death cab for cutie, sex slave, fuck you like an animal

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