News. People are Waking Up In Droves.

May 17, 2020 17:42

Sunday Meditation

You can stare at this beautiful sunset or wake up to the truth.. your choice

Beautiful Sunset.. . Aussies waking up : A Message To The Mainstream Media From Down Under

WARNING !! Angry folk and Randy mutherfuckers..

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How to fix the virus coming out of your television!
The greatest hacker attack since Anonymous, Caution: Use axe!

Get your sledge or your axe and deconstruct your television, because nothing on it is politically correct.

Commonwealth Equals Common Wealth$, Not 1%, So Fuck the World Banks - OCCUPY!

Australia and Canada are both Commonwealth countries who stood beside the U.S. in WWII against Srpingtime for Hitler and Germany. We're in!

Links : Helpful clues on where to look for the Real News
It's time to release all the information and documents exposing the explosive abuses of power that President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden oversaw at the FBI

Political Craps : Michelle Obama was being inserted into one slot on the Dem/Socialists ticket. Now that her husband is a fallen angel, my worry has been exonerated Obamagate (Mitt' Schlapp!)

Trump claims Obama committed 'biggest political crime in American history' by framing General Flynn for Hilary's Russiagate and blaming it on Trump to impeach the bounty hunter who is coming to seize their ass-hats : What is ‘Obamagate’ and why is Trump so worked up about it?

All the Adam Schiff Transcripts : Newly released documents show he knew all along that there was no proof of Russia-Trump collusion, whatsoever! They knew and still proceeded to charge impeachment on an innocent and standing president and anyone closely tied with him. Deep State ass-hats are lying to you!

Despite warnings around taking hydroxychloroquine to combat the symptoms of COVID-19, prescriptions in France have exploded (too bad we have to pay these rich fuckers to read what they have to say to the 1% global elite) Fuck the News!

FBI Accidentally Releases Name Of Saudi Official Suspected Of Directing Support For 9/11 Attack

News. People are Waking Up In Droves

Follow Billgate, Obamagate, Chinagate, Endgate, as they happen! Seize the Ass-Hats!

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Aussies waking up down under 11:30 - How to fix the virus coming out of your television!
The greatest hacker attack since Anonymous, Caution: Use axe!

NETWORK, Sidney Lumet, 1976 - I'm Mad As Hell and I'm Not Gonna Take This Anymore!

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"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" - The World is a Corporation

And as those working in media know, fans are fickle and when Beale's ratings drop, Diana and the network execs cancel
his show permanently. Howard Beale (Peter Finch), an acclaimed anchor at the UBS Evening News, is being put out to pasture,
until network director Schumacher gives him a chance to apologize on the air using this camera time to go off on another
tirade that to everyone's surprise resonates with the audience. On seeing the ratings shoot up, the head of programming,
Diana Christensen (Faye Dunaway), suggests Beale be given his own show. Funny turn of events.

"What are we going to do today, Brain?"

"Same thing we do everyday, Pinky, we're going to plagiarize the world!"


; P


dr. π (pi)



fuck the fed, american breakdown, techyum, net worth equals self worth, kaliforniecation

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