Another One of Those Days..

May 11, 2020 10:42

It seems like every day today is Monday..

Saturday the signal lights quit on the van, so I checked the bulbs and fuses but could find nothing wrong.
It might be the actual signal switch or some other invisible failure. So I called around this morning to
the local garages to see if anyone was open that could take a look at it and fix it. At the same time, I
will get them to look at the door latches again, which are jamming, from being worn, it's an old vehicle.
They are on skeleton staff, no pun intended, and can't look at it until Thursday. So be it.

So here I am, another lost Monday trying to stave off boredom, listening to music, and drinking coffee
at home. Talk about social distancing, it's not just 6 feet, but more like 4 days between contact..

Yesterday, we made contact with a handful of like-minded souls who are skeptical about this lockdown
and definitely opposed to forced vaccination, especially when it comes to our children, who build natural immunity.
Sing carrying protestors, with freedom in mind... while here I am now, back safe at home.

Strange times.


born to be wild, caged like an animal

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