'Fever ! The Hunt for a New Killer Virus' by John G. Fuller

May 08, 2020 16:01

Books for Our Times

Today we are facing the novel Corona virus, but this is not the first virus targeted at race.

Ebola, HIV, SARS were all man made bio weaponized pathogens intended to target specific human
populations. COVID19 was developed in Wuhan funded by the UN WHO, Gates Foundation, and Big
Pharma to initiate the mark of the Beast 666 Economic World Bank total surveillance money control.

Published February 12th 1975 by Ballantine Books : https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/fever-50

Truth is Stranger Than Fiction :

February 1969 - deadly unidentified virus reported from remote African missionary hospital, two American nurses stricken and died within 10 days. Doctors stymied by mysterious symptoms of the killer: soaring temperature, painful backache, swelling of the throat and neck, discoloured skin! Latest victim airlifted to special isolation ward at New York's Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, blood samples rushed to Yale's Arborvirus Laboratory, all-out search launches to discover an antidote. U. S. Public Health officials alarmed, virus has the potential to decimate the whole population, aviation officials consider cancellation of all jet travel to critical world areas. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1448618.Fever_The_Hunt_for_a_New_Killer_Virus

Tales from the Plague by Richard Corben, Eclipse Comics, 1986 :

This is no longer a fantasy...

The first documentary movie on CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus

As the world is gripped by the ongoing pandemic, many questions remain about the origin of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) virus-commonly known as the novel coronavirus.

image Click to view

Get the latest information from Health Canada on COVID-19, approved by the WHO and CCP.
Lies My Government Told Me : https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19.html

From the start of the virus outbreak in China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not been forthcoming with information about the virus. In the early days of the outbreak, medical professionals who sounded the alarm were reprimanded by police for spreading "rumors."

Initially, the CCP said the virus originated at the Huanan Seafood Market, even though it knew patient zero had no connection with the market. Fearing that it might be held accountable for the worldwide pandemic, the CCP shifted its narrative to suggest that the virus originated in the United States and was brought to China by the U.S. military.

As a leading voice in covering China for the past 20 years, we understand very well the CCP's deceptive nature and its history of cover-ups. With this outbreak, we saw a case of history repeating itself-in 2003, we exposed the CCP's cover-up of the SARS epidemic in China, far ahead of other media.

In this documentary, we present viewers with the known scientific data and facts surrounding the origin of the virus along with experts’ opinions. We don't draw conclusions, but we point out that serious questions remain about the origins of the virus as well as the CCP's handling of the outbreak.

dr. π (pi)

fuck the fed, health issues, books, frankenscience, eco folk, end of the world

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