Leonardo Dicaprio's hand washing scene from the Aviator (2004)

Mar 25, 2020 19:42

Via: https://very-old-life.livejournal.com/846237.html

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Coronavirus Instructions : Wash hands often for 20 seconds or more with disinfectant soap and warm water ( Read more... )

health issues, vainglorious bastards

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governments instruction pigshitpoet March 26 2020, 23:03:40 UTC
oh yeah, methinks you hit the nail on the head so to speak.

i think in canada we are such sheeple we believe anything "official" or "mainstream" even if it is fake news.. nobody believes se are bing lied to. some fellow canadians and probably same in other countries rely on so called "official" newfeeds for information, whereas others are too busy just working to raise rent and food to even pay attention. those people seem indifferent, and often don't even know what you're talking about when you ask them anything about social culture or politics. christ, even if you tell them and explain to them, they often have no reference for what the subject is. i think isolation and social separation cause this. maybe in canada that's due to geographic distance. this is a vast wasteland. as an artist i was insular. i used to be one of those naive followers..

happily GF is an alternative view open minded person who likes to hear the whole truth, however sour it gets. she is way more social than i and more willing to take risks to straight talk friends when they cross her boundaries. 9 times out of 10 it gets her to a next level of friendship and bonding and knowledge of how this world works. a lot of GFs clients are well off and dumb as a bag of hammers when it comes to relationship and social cues. she ends up playing their confidant (psychiatrist)). on the other hand i leave a trail of victims, well, not that bad, but by contrast i'm in my creative zone most of the time and don't have time for small stuff. i've learned a lot in the past 10 years with her. i am also a problem solver and often on a treadmill with a to do list.

canadians are shy, and not that outspoken. more likely to snipe and repress than to be present. i love americans for their bold "get it done" way of thinking. different sides of the human spirit..

what type are you? fight or flight? you do seem outspoken, but considerate of feelings. i hope i am too.
; )


Re: governments instruction gale_storm March 30 2020, 14:39:35 UTC
You started by saying, 'oh yeah, methinks you hit the nail on the head so to speak,' but you later make reference to your girlfriend's clients being 'dumb as a bag of hammers,' making me wonder at your mixed past with tools made with weighted heads. *smirk!*

I'm not certain I can easily describe how I am in whatever situations, as it feels like it's been ages since I've had to deal with any social situations, thanks to having MS. Oh, not that those letters have anything to do with what Myers-Briggs Type I'd belong to, as I'd always prided myself at being able to answer those sorts of tests to wind up with my results being dead centre!


Re: governments instruction pigshitpoet March 31 2020, 01:23:22 UTC
you got it
but GFs clients are fairly savvy, except for the odd ones, they are the new agers..

it's starting to become challenging just to get groceries..
people are jumpy and over reacting
i don't consider it a social experiment as much as a social nightmare..
these interactions are the kind of discombobulated dreams i have from time to time
maybe they were a prophesy?
; O


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