"Ireland to close all pubs and bars in coronavirus crackdown! Don't kiss the Blarney..."
Man, those Chinese really know how to spoil a party!
In a bold unilateral move, the independent brewers association is trying to stop corporate Corona sales and minimize profits
in an attempt to stop Mexico's drug and alcohol cartels from prospering and being able to purchase arms equipment.
Ireland fears it may soon follow China and Italy with mortality rates.
This makes no sense, if you are wanting to flatten the curve, and drive down profits to start yet another potato famine,
this may be "jus' duh t'ing!" High doses of vitamin C are said to curb affects of COVID-19, so this makes no sense.
We need to be consuming more beer, not less..
The Coroners Society of Ireland said confirmed and suspected or possible coronavirus-related deaths must be reported
to the local district coroner pub. COVID-19 is being renamed to Coroner's Virus, for the reason it is giving people
the wrong impression. There are more people dying than we are willing to believe...
https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/coroners-service-issues-statement-on-coronavirus-related-deaths-1.4200233 The Green Beer Party could not be reached for comment at the time of this publication..
Are pubs smarter than governments? Should all politics be dealt with in the pubs?
The Irish government said that if you want to drink, drink at home.
This put local liquor stores on alert, which were completely cleaned out in a matter of hours.
Chinese Football Party No.3
Read more:
https://metro.co.uk/2020/03/15/ireland-close-pubs-bars-coronavirus-crackdown-12402026/?ito=cbshare Twitter:
https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/ This may be the saddest day in European history since, the plague? The Hague? So vague...
Now, take your Vitamin C, like a man!