The Yangtze River, is 6,380 km (3,964 mi) long, is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest in the world.
Dusk on Chang Jiang (Yangtze)
On its pristeen natural setting, China changed history by building a power dam at Three Gorges, which displaced many
indigenous peoples.
Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, China The corporate globalist oil conglomerates attacked the Middle East to control banking and oil. China built a dam on
the Yangtze River.
President Trump, along with China’s top trade envoy, Liu He
The American Nationalists sign a trade deal with China to create an unprecedented new Silk Road across the Pacific,
and a second deal with NAFTA, Canada, United States, Mexico, now termed the USMCA. And that includes indians too!
Canada, Mexico, and the U.S. form the North America Free Trade Association USMCA
Welcome to Chinatown
Chinese Emigration to North America is the highest in the world. As of Jan 2020 ... Nearly 2.5 million Chinese immigrants live
in the United States. Waves of Chinese emigration (also known as the Chinese diaspora) have happened throughout history.
8th ave in Brooklyn's Chinatown
The mass emigration known as the Chinese diaspora, which occurred from the 19th century to 1949, was mainly caused by wars
and starvation in mainland China, invasion from various foreign countries, as well as problems resulting from political corruption.
Millennium Gate on Pender Street in Chinatown
Vancouver's Chinatown has now spread as far as to satellite cities as Richmond and Burnaby, with the advent of offshore real estate
investment. And the kicker is that many on these properties sit empty, with the exception when foreign students or extended family
are sent to occupy them for foreign passport periods, reducing the availability of home rental and purchases, including condos.
UBC becomes the first 5G smart campus in Canada and a hub for related research. Telus Mobility is one such company that plans
to bring 5G to Canada in 2020. Rogers announced it is starting to roll out Canada’s first 5G network in downtown Vancouver,
Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal so it is ready when 5G devices become available this year.
The 5G technology is not proven not to hurt humans.
Verizon and Sprint have announced “test cities” for 5G which include Sacramento, Washington DC, Atlanta, Dallas, Miami
and New York.
Nevermind the immigrants, look what's on the Verizon!
Shenzhen: City of the Future. The high-tech life of China’s Silicon Valley
Click to view
Recent Chinese emigration to Canada from Hong Kong, upon its political turnover to China (1997), has terminated
here in Vancouver, where about 70% of the voting population is Asian and Chinese. Forty-three per cent of
Metro Vancouver residents have an Asian heritage. In early 1900's Chinese immigrants were not allowed the privilege
to vote, as we progressed through two tragic world wars.Around the globe, the only major cities outside Asia
{*with more than 1.2 million residents} that come close to Metro Vancouver for their portion of residents with
Asian backgrounds are San Francisco (33 per cent Asian), London England (21 per cent), Metro Toronto (35 per cent),
Calgary (23 per cent) and Sydney Australia (19 per cent). Statistics Canada reports that 70 per cent of all recent
immigrants to Metro Vancouver have origins in Asia. In Seattle, the proportion is 13 per cent and in Portland
it’s eight per cent. Vancouver grown to a 15 per cent on foreign buyers (2016), driving up real estate price double
in the past decade. One would have to marry the statistics with present population counts to establish the true
demographics, but you get the drift... Rents and mortgages have followed this curve and are now sky-rocketed out of
reach for the working Canadian, equivalent of the dollar being devalued by 50%. We now double up on accommodations
to make ends meet. Shared accommodation has been the exception until the Hong Kong invasion to our city. Vancouver
is now rightly called "Van Kong".
It is from this I formed this pig in a poke, "Yangtze, Go Home!". It ain't no joke. Here is my poem :
Yangtze, Go Home!
Canada has lost its sovereignty
Been thrown into poverty
I can’t afford rent anymore.
I can’t afford food from a store
Yangtze, go home!
A contingent from England
A contingent from France
The American globalists
want every dollar out of our pants!
First the Americans
and then the Chinese
Now Sikhs from India
whole villages of families
Yangtze, go home!! ~psp
They dammed the Three Rivers
and displaced indigenous
peoples into make megalithic
cities that look like Blade Runner
With total surveillance 5G
the eternal presence
of thought police
Yangtze, go home!!!
They’re overtaking the city
Turned it into Cantonese
The prevalent cuisines are
restaurants that all serve “Chinese”
Where’s the American burger?
...Run by Asians too!
Hard working immigrants
who haven’t got a clue!
Yangtze, go home!!!! ~psp
The Chinese have taken over
our aluminum mines
digging for coal
in desperate times
The slow boat from China
Has slipped into the harbour
Straight form Hong Kong,
Vancouver has become Van Kong!
Yangtze, go home!!!!!
And the prices have sky-rocketed
out of this world!
Can’t afford a burger
and can’t find a home…
Yangtze, go home!!!!!! ~psp
*(These personal views do not express the concerns and opinions of the millions of immigrants that have made this their home)