George Soros Open Society

Dec 10, 2019 01:46

You May Take This With a Pound of Salt in That Povertous Wound... This on the Eve of The Police...

Ladies and Gentlemen, meet George Fucking Soros

He is here to destroy your economy and your autonomy

Under His Idealistic Promise, We are fed this :

Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly the Open Society Institute, is an international grantmaking network founded
by business magnate George Soros. Open Society Foundations financially support civil society groups around the world,
with a stated aim of advancing justice, education, public health and independent media. The group's name is said to be
inspired by Karl Popper's 1945 book The Open Society and Its Enemies. Playing both ends against the middle, one tends
to speak in "isms", unsurmountable ideals far separated from day to day human reality.

This, Soros believes, gives him license to kill,

Soros funded Open Society organizations have been banned from six countries to date :

Soros Open Society is behind adversary refugees flooding into first world countries, resulting in unwanted unemployment,
violence and rape. Trump is right to block unwanted refugees.


What impresses me is that Putin blocked Soros and at the same time expelled the Rothschild banks from Russian soil.
This is a truly courageous move against the impending New World Order globalist agenda. Putin spray freshener,
"Mek Problem Disappear".. :

In 1992, Mr. Soros made a $1 billion bet against the British pound, a trade that famously earned him the nickname
“the man who broke the Bank of England” in favour for the Rothchilds and the EU. Now they are embroiled in Brexit.

After “a national wave of hate incidents” after the 2016 election, the spike in hate crimes through black ops, and
false flag operations to escalate social dissent, Mr. Soros, 87, committed $10 million to preventing such violence.
More likely he sponsored $10 Million in violence through false flag black ops and social dissent. The mirror lied.

Canada now will become the new Greece. Fucking with the money mark, the money changers are in the temples.

“The main obstacle to a stable and just world order,” Soros has declared, “is the United States.” Ergo, that
constitutional republic must be weakened and its allies degraded.

Mr. Soros’s philanthropy is rooted in his past

He lived in Nazi-occupied Hungary as a boy. With Budapest under Communist rule in 1947, he left for London and then
the United States, where he found success on Wall Street.

“He lived through Nazi Hungary,” Ms. Heisman said. “He knows what it’s like to live in a closed society.”

George Soros experienced ethnic and political intolerance firsthand. Born in Hungary in 1930, he lived through the
Nazi occupation of 1944-1945, which resulted in the murder of over 500,000 Hungarian Jews. His own Jewish family
survived by securing false identity papers, concealing their backgrounds, and helping others do the same. Soros later
recalled that “not only did we survive, but we managed to help others.”

If you failed to take note then, it's too late for you now.

George Soros only helps those who help themselves :

List of (some) Soros Funded Organizations, ie. Clinton Foundation, Bill and Linda Gates Foundation :

George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager and a major Democratic donor, has given $18 billion to his Open
Society Foundations, one of the largest transfers of wealth ever made by a private donor to a single foundation.
One needs to ask where did he access $18 billion to be able to donate? Follow the money. Ask yourself,
Who does it serve? To name a few :

Brookings Institution: This organization has been involved with a variety of internationalist and state-sponsored
programs, including one that aspires to facilitate the establishment of a U.N.-dominated world government, otherwise
known as The New World Order.

Center for American Progress: This leftist think tank is headed by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta, works closely with Hillary Clinton, and employs numerous former Clinton administration staffers.

Center for Community Change: This group recruits and trains activists to spearhead leftist "political issue campaigns."

Center for Constitutional Rights: This pro-Castro organization is a core member of the open borders lobby, has
opposed virtually all post-9/11 anti-terrorism measures by the U.S. government, and alleges that American injustice
provokes acts of international terrorism. And fails to recognize this is done under the guise of globalist interests.

Center for Economic and Policy Research: This group opposed welfare reform, supports "living wage" laws, rejects tax
cuts, and consistently lauds the professed achievements of socialist regimes, most notably Venezuela. How the political
situation escalated :

Center for International Policy: This organization uses advocacy, policy research, media outreach, and educational initiatives to promote “transparency and accountability” in U.S. foreign policy and global relations.
It generally views America as a disruptive, negative force in the world. This poses a direct threat to Nationalism,
only to serve the globalist agenda.

Center for Reproductive Rights: CRR's mission is to guarantee safe, affordable contraception and abortion-on-demand
for all women, including adolescents. The organization has filed state and federal lawsuits demanding access to
taxpayer-funded abortions (through Medicaid) for low-income women in suppot for prostitution. Good luck feminists!

Center for Responsible Lending: This organization was a major player in the subprime mortgage crisis. According to
Phil Kerpen (vice president for policy at Americans for Prosperity), CRL “sh[ook] down and harass[ed] banks into
making bad loans to unqualified borrowers.” Moreover, CRL negotiated a contract enabling it to operate as a conduit
of high-risk loans to Fannie Mae. Remember Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae? Did you lose your home?

Change America Now: Formed in December 2006, Change America Now describes itself as "an independent political
organization created to educate citizens on the failed policies of the Republican Congress and to contrast that
record of failure with the (empty) promise offered by a Democratic agenda."

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington: This group litigates and brings ethics charges against
"government officials who sacrifice the common good to special interests" and "betray the public trust."
Almost all of its targets are Republicans to interfere with the actual governement to rule itself.

Ms. Foundation for Women: This group laments what it views as the widespread and enduring flaws of American
society: racism, sexism, homophobia, and the violation of civil rights and liberties. It focuses its philanthropy on
groups that promote affirmative action for women, unfettered access to taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand, amnesty
for illegal aliens, and big government generally.

Muslim Advocates: Opposed to U.S. counter-terrorism strategies that make use of sting operations and informants,
MA characterizes such tactics as forms of “entrapment” that are inherently discriminatory against Muslims. Which Muslims?

Midwest Academy: This entity trains radical activists in the tactics of direct action, targeting, confrontation,
and intimidation.

* And too many more :

(There are a plethora of agenices funded by Soros that are directed to destabilize national government rule and
raid those economies.)

There is a fine line between truth and fiction. Which will you choose, the real culprit or the one in the mirror?

His political focus - including large donations to Hillary Clinton and other Democratic politicians - has made Mr.
Soros a target of criticism from both the Republican establishment and fringe elements of the far right. The
conservative website Breitbart, for example, has accused Mr. Soros of attempting to make Ireland a “pro-abortion
country” and undermining the control of European countries over their borders.

The Police - Every Breath You Take (I'll be watching you...)

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America, the time has come to talk of many things... while we were sleeping...

dr. π (pi)


fuck the fed, fuck you like an animal, bad santa

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