Global Meltdown - World Spring

Nov 15, 2019 13:31

"The future is already here. It’s just not evenly distributed” - novelist William Gibson

The Weirdness Is Coming . A glimpse of the near future as seen through the recent past

iPhones arriving en masse in Steve Jobs’s United States, all-inclusive social-credit scores
blanketing Xi Jinping’s China, antibiotic-resistant superbugs cropping up in India before
spreading as far as the Arctic, climate change flooding the Ganges Delta in Bangladesh long
before it conquers New York or Tokyo :

*China becomes the first nation to land on the dark side of the moon.

➼ President Xi Will Be Our Stalin

Last year, Xi Jinping declared himself president for life. This year, he put his army on a
permanent war footing and effectively staged a five-month battle in Hong Kong. More than a
million Uighur Muslims are imprisoned in concentration camps in western China, and Han Chinese
officials are being sent to the region to live with the prisoners’ wives. A social-credit
system monitors your every move and gives you bonus points for reading the president’s writing
daily on your phone. By at least one estimate, China will grow past the U.S. as the world’s
biggest economy as soon as 2020. Others predict it’ll take a decade or two longer, but Xi will
still be in power then, too.

➼ The Trade War Will Be Our Economic Cold War

In the ’50s, they had to use the word cold because it was a different kind of war. This one
will be, too, and perhaps as disruptive. Already this year, a third of American farmers’
income came from insurance payments and Trump-administration bailout money to make up for
profits lost from the trade war. And there are much more intense pressure points yet to be
pressed, given that most of our pharmaceuticals (and iPhones) are made in China.

The Trump card - Putin and Trump have temporarily stopped the march of Globalists. Soros is Evil.

➼ Protest Movements Will Boom and Become Harder and Harder to Understand

A protest of fuel prices in Zimbabwe ends with 68 people shot; a few days later, tens of thousands
of protesters pour into the streets of Venezuela to contest the reelection of Nicolás Maduro.

2019 is the 30th anniversary of 1989, that iconic year when the Berlin Wall fell and citizens
came out en masse throughout Eastern Europe to topple dictatorships. In 2019, we have again
seen mass protests breaking out across the world, from Hong Kong to Moscow, Tbilisi to
Belgrade, Santiago to Prague. But unlike in 1989 - and unlike the Arab Spring or the “color
revolutions” of the early aughts - it’s hard to see what these protests have in common. Some
are demanding the right to vote; others focus on corruption or even smaller, tactical goals.
They don’t articulate themselves as part of a global story in part because, in the current
moment of populist authoritarianism, the challenges are much more complicated than they used
to be. It’s not just a matter of democracy against dictatorship because, these days, it’s much
harder to define a government as democratic or dictatorial.

➼ We Will Never Know If a Movie Is a Hit Or Simply More Dystopic Shit

All of the entertainment we used to consume in more independently quantifiable ways - via TV
ratings, box office, album sales - has moved to streaming, where we just have to trust Netflix
or Spotify or Apple to tell us how popular it is, and they will almost certainly lie to gain
your fiber. DuVernay Will Be Our Spielberg. Travis Scott Will Be Our Kanye. You will like the
music made by robots. All movies with star Julia Roberts, Humphrey Bogart and Bette Davis.

➼ We Will Import Our Pop Culture From China

It’ll be harder to write Science Fiction because we’ll be living it.

➼ The Television Era of Politics Will End

Facebook Live and Instagram videos of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and teen climate
activist Greta Thunberg. Each is far too ideological for the tube, but their fact-based messaging
and justified outrage work perfectly well on social media. And it all can be conveniently controlled.

➼ Climate Change Will (Slightly) Accelerate Demographic Decline As We Worry About the Wind

➼ New York City Will Begin to Enclose Its Entire Harbor With a Seawall

Populism Will Breed More Populism Will Breed More Populism Will Breed More Populism …

➼ Party Balloons Will No Longer Float As Party Lines Blur

We will return to Paper Ballots, to resolve trackable hacking. A machine will vote for you.
Instead most elections will be policed by militia or held by military coup.

➼ We Will Break Up Big Tech - Good Luck!

Money will become more important than Sport Leagues. Power and Utility Corporations will become nationalized.
We’ll have to unlearn what our Apps did to us.

➼ We Will Drown in Plastic - Cancer Won’t Be Cured by Robots But Will Be Detected by Smart Bras

➼ We'll Crave Mold and Eat Refined Scraps of Soilent Green

➼ Your Loved Ones Will Become Monkey-Human Hybrids

New drugs will be tested not on human subjects or animals but on “Mini-Brains” grown in labs

➼ Terminal Patients Will Go on a Trip Before They Die - New Science of Psychedelics vs Common Pharmaceudicals

Most of our vacations will be virtual hologram tours. You will have to win a lottery to visit
St. Mark's Basilica

➼ Racism Will Thrive, But No One Will Say the Word

AI will make prejudice much more judicious. Judge Dread.

➼ We’ll Read and Write Like Robots. No Need to Read or Write. Everything Will Be Written For You

➼ You Will Wear Artificial Selfie Makeup And Scratch Your Ass In Your Shorts, Glued to Your Device

There will be no turning back on Facial Recognition. Geotagging will be extremely uncool.
We will never really know how many friends we have.

➼ There Will Be Deliveries by Drone, But Also Stalking and Even Drone Assassination by Terrorists - and Civilians

➼ Sheeple, There Is No Need To Wake Up! The Future Is Already Decided For You

Source :

Our present ideology is Neuromancer and The Handmaid’s Tale, Waterworld and Mad Max,
Idiocracy and 1984 all wrapped up into one.



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